Master Kohga x Reader

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Requested by TheRedRoseJester
nonbinary reader


The hideout echoed with teleporting sounds, sighs and murmors of those who just came back in from yet another unsuccesful mission.

"Now, Yiga, you can rest. Today was...something else" Sooga's powerful yet stressed voice announced, as he helped some of the wounded lay on the stone cold pavement.
He then gave some orders here and there for those in good condition to be of aid to those who were struggling, before moving his gaze to find the recognizable form of Y/n, who had just kneeled down to bandage the head of a hurt solider.

Sooga made his way to them, trying his best to go around the people on the ground all around him.

"Who's gonna tell him?" He sighed, crouching to Y/n's level.
"i got it, don't worry Sooga" Y/n responded, not even bothering to look the man in his face.
"just take care of the others and yourself in the mean time" They kept talking as they stood up.
"You are hurt as well, please rest, Lady Y/n"
They smiled softly under their mask as they patted Sooga's shouler before making their way to Master Kohga's quarters.

As Y/n walked, well, limped down the chilling, barely lit hallways, muffled voices could be heard, then, a loud bang.

A wooden door had been closed rather angrily, if Y/n had to guess.

"That fucking prophecy man!"
A loud and obnoxious yell echoed in Y/n's direction, then everything fell quiet.

"Kohga?" Y/n asked, their voice reching a rather stressed and disappointed man.

their gaze met from opposite sides of the corridor.

Kohga sighed, visibly shaken, and Y/n reached him with a small sprint.

The chubby man in front of them didn't say a word.
his head slouched on Y/n shoulder as they embraced in a hug.

"is everything ok, love?" Y/n asked unsure, caressing Kohga's head as he sighed deeply, his head lifting up at the question.
"i'll tell you when you're in bed, you've just came back after all, darlin' "
Something had to be on his mind. This wasn't him.

Y/n was taken by surprise when Kohga lifted them bridal stile and started walking away, but they didn't really have the strenght to complain.

They made their way to their shared quarters, and after moving aside the tent covering the entrance, Kohga sat down, positioning Y/n on his lap.

Y/n felt so much relief as the warm air of the room hit their skin.

"now" Kohga started, before unclasping his mask, Y/n following suit.
"that bastard of the prophecy man knew about our faliures. Goddes, he knows we will fail multiple times in the future! So i'm here, losing my men, our cover is going to get blown," he paused, massaging the bridge of his nose and sighing angrily.
"What are we gonna do? What am I gonna do?" He exclaimed, in the brink of tears.
This was so new for Y/n.
The Master Kohga being stressed and worried about the future of the stupendus Yiga clan, having doubts.
That was something.

As Y/n turned around on Kohga's lap to face him, they felt small sniffles coming from the man.

It immediatly broke their heart.
Big teras started flowing from his now red and puffy eyes, his breathing short.

Y/n hugged him tight, their hands travelling on his head, his curly locks tangling on their fingers.

They peppered his face with small kisses on his forhead, cheeks and everywhere there was space.
"let it all out love, it's been tough" Y/n voice seemed to ease the cryes of the man, who hugged them tight against his warm and soft body.

Y/n kept caressing his head as tears stained their shoulder, where Kohga had placed his forhead.
"how can a weak man? How could i ever be a leader?" His voice was muffled and shaky, his hands grabbing Y/n's back, as if leaving them would kill him.
"how could you say something like that!" Y/n grabbed his chin and moved their hands to hold his tear-stained cheeks.
He tried to avoid their gaze, but Y/n was quik to follow, having his eyes always on them.
He leaned in Y/n's touch, closing his eyes. His expression desperate and hurt.

"look at where we are. Look at what we've all gone thru. And we are all still standing. We know our enemies are strong. We know we might fail, but does that stop us? Does that stop you?"

Y/n's arms went around Kohga's head.

"You faced The champion Urbosa and Link at the same time, and you managed to hold them off. You're here, alive and as a leader. I'm sure that if there was someone that didn't want you as Master, they would have alredy tried for the spot"

"Then why do i fell like this!?" He interrupted, red sparks floating around him.
"because you are tired. Because you've done what you could" Y/n was quik to respond, and Kohga remained speechless.
He sighed, his head rested on Y/n's chest.

"i'm scared something will happen to you. What if i'm not so strong after all...?"
"then we'll both be there for each other, just like we always have been".

he seemed satisfied with Y/n's response, and a big yawn escaped his mouth.

As he drifted to sleep leaning on Y/n, they placed a soft kiss on his head.

"and if you're down, i'll just pick you up"


Ok i tried to make some actual good content bc Kohga is the love of my life

Have a great day/night everyone

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