Paya x Insecure! Warewolf! Reader

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Requested by LenaHummingbird

She/Her reader

Plz leave some more requests or the book will stop lmao


Paya was aware of her girlfriend's little issue. Being born a mithical creature surely wasn't the best for one's health, and altough Hyrule was a land filled with the weirdest of living being in it, Y/n still didn't feel comfortable enough to be herself.

Being a warewolf wasn't feminine, she said to herself on a dayly basis, hating every single hair on her body, during transformation and generally.

Fortunatly, her girlfriend Paya was always there for her, making sure she was comfortable in her own body and the other way around.

altough the two had been together for years, Paya had still to witness that so hated transformation.

Y/n was quick to leave the house and hide who knows where, and Paya felt like Y/n didn't believe her when she expressed her love for her, however she may have looked like, and how much she didn't care about her outsides, rather, she loved and adore the person she was.

Paya really wanted it to change. She wanted to prove to Y/n that she wasn't lying, that she really did mean every word she said.

"Y/n? could we talk for a moment?" Paya had mustered up all of her curage to express her concern.

The Warewolf lifted her head up from the papers on the coffee table, placing the Cucco feather she was writing with down in the ink holder.

"Of couse, Papaya, is everything all right?" Y/n tilted her head, looking in her hazel-brown eyes with a worried expression.

Paya sighed, walking closer to Y/n, holding her left elbow with her righ hand.

she sat down on the cushions that served as chairs, placing her hands on her knees.

"I-I want to be with you when you turn into a warewolf" she said in one breath, closing shut her eyes once she was done.

Y/n let out a snort.

"why are you laughing Y/n! That's not nice..." Paya said annoyed, crossing her arms.

"oh, my sweet Papaya. I fear it is way too dangerous for you to be near me when the morphing happens. I know that you love me no matter what but..." she stopped for a moment, looking at Paya's glossy eyes.

"...I do it for your safety" she finished, looking down and placing her hand on top of Paya's.

"i'll be careful! I'll stay at a distance but please! I don't want to just say that i love you...i want to prove it" Her voice was trembling, small tears threathened to fall out of her eyes.

Y/n couldn't bear the sight.

"ok...tonight's a full moon, i guess that's why you asked today" she giggled, placing a kiss on Paya's forhead, just beside the painted Sheika crest as not to smear it.

Paya's face lit up, and a beautiful smile formed across her face.

She hugged her girlfriend tight, whispering thank you's.

The evening seemed to never arrive as the both of them did dayly tasks to pass the time, and when finally the sun was just atop the horizon line, Y/n took Paya's hand and brought her outside.

They hiked for a while, reaching a well hidden cave.

"'s here where you usually shift? in the cold and in the dirt?" Paya's heart ached at the sight of the humid and unwelcoming enviroment where her love had to go through a probably painful morphosis, all alone.

"yeah...i don't stay in it long as a human so i never tought of making it more comfortable" Y/n answred.

She gave a last gaze at the sun, then sighed, walking in the dark cave, Paya following suit.

"h-how does it work? is it...painful?" Paya asked, concern in her voice as she noticed Y/n's h/c hair getting slightly puffier and longer.

"Not much, it just...happens. i guess i got used to it" she smirked, noticing the worry in her girlfriend's voice, hoping that her answer was enough to  ease her.

Then she stopped walking.

"oop, there we go" she managed to say, before removing what she could of her chlothes, as her body begun to grow in size.

Paya gasped, a soft red hue all across her face. It wasn't time to get flustered!

she quickly kneeled on the ground where Y/n was growling and still going thru the changes of the morphosis.

Paya placed a hand on her back, worriedly asking if she was allright.

"stand back....i...don't want to hurt you..." Y/n's voice had gotten deeper and more echoey, but Paya refused to listen.

"I know you wont" Paya answered, hugging tight the almost fully tranformed Y/n.

Paya was amazed at the softness of her h/c fur, and couldn't help but think about how Y/n was just a huge puppy. That made her gain more courage, and she kept on being close to her suffering girlfriend.

Y/n's transition was fully completed. She had grown almost three times her size, her head alone being the size of Paya's legs, which she was laying on, eyes closed and breathing heavy.

" it done? are you ok?" Paya asked, softly running her hand across Y/n's face and snout.

She nodded.

"are you tired?" She asked, gaining another nod from the beast on top of her legs.

Y/n shifted closer to her, snuggling her snout in her stomach, gaining a giggle and an aww from the now more calm and amazed Paya.

They stayed in the cave for the rest of the night, the warmth of Y/n's body enough for them to be comfortable.

suddenly the cave didn't feel as unwelcoming as it did before.

I think it could have been better but i like it notheless.

reminder to request anything or i might not upload anything in the book anymore lol-

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