Symin x Gerudo! Reader part 2

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Requested by LenaHummingbird

they / them reader


Symin woke up, his vision hazy not just because of the absence of his glasses, his head pounding from a hit he didn't remember enduring.

The Sheika tried moving around, only to be stopped by thick ropes that twirled around his wrists, ankles and torso.

He paniked.

Where am i?
What's going on?

he tought as a great anxiety crept over him.

His breathing was heavy as he took in his surroundings.

he was in a barely lit place, a cell with stone walls and thick wooden bars blocking his escape.

he wobbled over to the bars, trying to look outside, were some torches hung on the wall.

"what do you think you're doing?" A deep, angry voice made him stop in his tracks in fear.

Outside of the cell, a Yiga blademaster stood holding a lit torch, making his mask pop in the dark place.

Symin was shaking hard.

he didn't remember anything from before, and he surely wasn't in the conditions to fight nor just escape.

he could just hope someone would eventually notice he's missing, and, even tho it might take long for them to find him, he still was positive they would.

Purah was making her way to Gerudo town, the sun's heat almost making her forget what purpose her trip served.

She didn't mind the akward looks of the Gerudo guards at the entrance of the small town, and stepped inside.

Now she needed to find Y/n.

she did a small run towards the first gerudo lay she put her eyes on.

"Hey! Sorry to bother you but-"

"Purah??" She was interrupted by that loud and proud voice she had come to enjoy.

"Purah you could have sent me a letter that you were visiting so i could have prepared my spare bedroom-"

Y/n was then cut off.

"There's no time for that! we need to talk. In private!" She rushed her, gaining weird looks from the ladies that strolled around, and a worried look on the Gerudo general.

"Oh, ok then, follow me to my house!" Y/n hurried, and begun walking, making sure the Sheika was following.

once inside, Y/n closed the tent that served as a door and took a stool for Purah to sit in.

"Symin is missing!" She suddenly spat, gaining a gasp from the Gerudo in front of her.

"WHAT?" They exclaimed, clear fear and worry in their face and voice.

"it's been almost two weeks! He didn't tell me anything about going on reserch or- or- " tears begun flowing from the Sheika's eyes, as a wave of intense worry shook her.

Y/n hunched over to hug her, but was stopped when the tiny lady took something out of her pocket.

"I found this. I think we know exactly who did it".

in her hand, a crimson piece of paper adorned in golden Sheika eyes. Inverted Sheika eyes.

Y/n's face reddend and anger took over her.

"Those bastards! I knew they weren't going to stop that easily. I'll get a search party. I'm sure that the matriarch Riju will understand" they sighed, looking down at her feet.

"Hopefully Symin is still in one piece" Y/n mumbled, crossing her arms.

"in the mean time, please make yourself at home, i'll be back in no time" They reassured Purah, who nodded in understanding.

it had been a long time. Symin lost the count of the hours and probably weeks went by.

suddenly, he heard rough noises from outside.

"please...please don't hurt me!" Symin yelled, as two footsoliders opened the cell's doors and made their way to him.

He tried getting as far as he could, but his back hit the stone wall, and the two Yiga assassins grabbed his arms, putting him on his feet.

"Master Kohga wan'ts to see you" one hissed, and jerked him foward to make him move.

His knees were weak, both from fear and the poor treatment he had endured during his stay.

As he was dragged across the hallways, something hissed in the air, then, the Yiga on his left fell to the ground like a sack of potatoes.

bloos was spillong from his neck because of an arrow.

Symin's hope of being free once more begun to shine brighter.

The other Yiga let him go, looking around frantically tolocate the source of danger.

"INTRUDER!" He yelled as he ran away, giving the alarm whistle and teleporting away.

"Symin!" A soft whisper reached his pointy ears.

he turned his head and smiled.

"Y/n!" he made his way to the crouched Gerudo, who had a bow and arrow in hand.

"we don't have time for a happy reunion now, they've given the alarm, c'mon follow us!" Just then Symin noticed the four other Gerudo covered in armour and wepons.

He was saved! He was free ince more.

The hot hair of the desert never felt more refrsshing as Y/n helped him lay on the bed of the Kara Kara bazar.

They sat in silence for a while, and after making sure Syimin was well fed and with no particularly dangerous wounds, Symin closed his eyes.

"Thank you for risking yiur life for me, Y/n" he whispered.

Y/n gave him a soft smile.

"I just returned the favor"


eyyy it's been a while sorry it took so long! It's not even that good so-

anyways as always consider voting and leaving a comment/request!

have a good day/night

(also happy easter :D)

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