Mistreated! Symin x Caring! Reader

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Requested by LenaHummingbird
He/him reader

"Y/n!" The man heard his name being called and turned around, halting his farm work, resting on his farming hoe and smiling as he brushed the sweat off of his forhead.

"Symin, why here so soon?" He responded to the Sheika man who carefully stepped over the dirt and plants, smiling back.

"Oh, well, just needed a break that's all..." Symin answered, his eyes trailing along thr view of the area surrounding Hateno village, spotting some grey clouds in the distance.

Y/n moved closer and hugged him placing a soft kiss on his jaw, but quickly let go of his sides as Symin hissed like he was in pain.

"Did i hug you too hard? Are you ok?" Y/n said almost jokingly, taking his demeanor as a little playfullnes, but Symin looked down, almost shamefully, and Y/n's heart dropped.

He gently caressed the side of his cheek, the slight stubble on it prikling his hand,
"Symin, what is going on?" Y/n asked, their tone preoccupied and genuine.

"It's...nothing, really..." Symin stuttered, his eyes still locked on the ground.

"Symin this can't be nothing, i've never seen you like this" Y/n let the farming hoe drop to the ground, and reached to hold both of Symin's hands, leaning in his sight to meet his eyes.

"You can tell me these things, we take care of each other all the time" Y/n said, a comfortable smile on his face.

Symin took a deep breath, his eyes becoming glossy and his movements staggering.

"It's Purah. It's always Purah! I can't take my own job seriously because she always sees it as minor and less important than hers and wants me to do what she should be doing!" He lashed out, grabing his shoulders and leaning forward, his eyes shut and small tears ready to fall down.

He then umbuckled his Sheika tunic, showing his side to Y/n.

Many blue-ish and purple-ish bruises filled his waist and the side of his stomach, leaving Y/n to gasp audibly.

"She's been kicking me awake. And not metaphorically. She has been KICKING ME AWAKE" He lashed out again, tears now streamong down his eyes.

Y/n was quick to grab Symin's glasses and wipe away his tears with his thumbs, caressing his cheeks afterwards, Symin laying in his comforting touch.

"...if it wasn't for you i don't know where i would be right now..." Symin tiredly said, his eyes closing as he basked in Y/n's loving touch, their lips meeting for a soft kiss.

"I'm gonna have to have a word with your boss after this" Y/n declared, crossing his arms.

Symin laughed nervously, "i rather not have you two fight, to be completly honest" he almosy whispered, clearly in distress.

Y/n gave a determined smile, looking deeply in his eyes.

"Ok, i won't for now, but if this keeps up, she's gonna taste iron, both from the taste of her own blood, and the taste of my farming hoe to her teeth!" Y/n announced, smiling proudly at a rather horrifyed yet grateful Symin.

Sorry this is really short, i hope you enjoyed

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