Sheika! Astor x Sheika! Reader

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Requested by Itz_Echo_

gender neutral reader



As Y/n took some notes on the small notebook with a leather cover and yellowish pages, Astor peaked over their shoulders, trying to catch a glimpse of what were they writing.

The sun was about to fade over the horizon, and the Shrine in front of the two was reflecting it.

As a Sheika resercher every detail was important, but Astor didn't quite get the perfectionist that Y/n was over the smallest of hints.

He loudly sighed, finally getting some attention from their childhood friend.

Y/n turned around, looking at the man with a 'what' glare.

He just crossed his arms and exaled again.

"you've been doing this for HOURS. You, need some rest" he then said, closing his eyes and face palming. "you probably havn't eaten anything, correct?".

Y/n sneered at their friend, then, closed the small notebook with a swift hand gesture, placing it in their bag, and swiping off the dirt and dust form their clothes.

"i'll eat if you offer the food" Y/n started walking back down the path to the village, when Astor grabbed their arm.

the young adult turned around, looking at the other with a questioning look.

Astor seemed, shy, bushful, too, but that could have been the light.

he opened his mouth to say something, but he closed it soon after.

"i...i need to show you something" he started "but i need you to close your eyes and let me lead you" he let go of Y/n's arm.

Y/n was surprised, to say the least.

but they couldn't not be exited. it had been months now that they were questioning wheter they had developed a crush for the friend they knew since they were born, being outcasts toghether, and everything.

and they also couldn't ignore all the portraits of Astor they had hidden in that same notebook, drawing when he didn't notice.

and the answer was yes. they had fallen in love.

"so?" Astor repeted, gaining y/n's attention, shaking them out of their trance.

they could only nod, and after closing their eyes, y/n could feel Astor's boney hands on theirs, leading them deeper in the forest, form the sound of all the leaves and the feeling of the grass.

they walked for a bit, sometimes risking to trip and fall on rocks or tree roots, but they made it safe and sound to...somewhere.

Y/n felt Astor's hands on their shoulders, turing them around to a certain angle.

"you can open your eyes now..." he sounded....worried.

when the Sheika opened their eyes, they had to catch a breath.

a stunning pic-nic on the top of a hill, the susnet just in the right spot, and a breathtaking view.

Astor looked down at his feet, probably questioning himself.

what if they weren't in love with him?

what if their friendship would be ruined?

what if they never wanted to talk to him again after this?

he bit his lips, clenching his fists, when a warm hug embraced him.

he softly returned it, sighing in y/n's shoulder.

after a while the hug broke.

" did this for me?" Y/n asked, almost in tears.

Astor could only nod, as the sun made your figure pop. you looked even better like this, and he was sure he loved you, and he wanted to be with you for the rest of his life.

he hugged himself, "i didn't know if your feelings were the same as mine, i just had to try-" his sentence was cut by soft lips on his own, and warm hands on his pale cheeks.

his eyes were wide in shock, as every one of his emotion exploded at the same time.

he slowly fluttered his eyes shut, drowining in the sensation, something he had just imagined and dreamed of.

when their lips parted they looked into each others eyes, smiling softly, when Astor grinned, let out a laugh and raised Y/n, making them spin in the air. they couldn't not smile.

that night, the new found lovers looked at the shooting stars, hugged close, and dreamed of their future together.


ah yes, chapter written in the evening

morning me will probably kill me

i hope you enjoyed

have a good night/day

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