Robbie x Yiga! Reader

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Requested by SaraEvans572
She/her reader

The cold air of the night slithered trough the slightly agape window, the lab's dim light engulfing Robbie, making his uncovered eyes droop from the tiredness, but he couldn't stop now, he was closer than ever to a breaktrough and he could feel it.

As he tinkered with sheika machinery his eyes blurred and his hands shook, making it nearly impossible to connect cables and do precise work.

As yet another error accured, he grunted loudly, his hands hitting the surface of his working area hard, the loud thud and ring of the bolts and nails dispersing in the large lab.

He held onto his head, taking a few deep breaths, his hair had been messy and unkept for a while, white strands stiking up and messily falling back over his forhead.

Robbie's eyes begun to water as he sat down, looking mindlessly up at the cieling.
It never had gotten this bad before, or, when it did, he could find something to distract himself, just like he was doing now, but nothing seemed to work.

The smiling eyes of that girl getting more opaque every day, the smell of cherries she always brought with her, her soft touch when days were unbearable lingering on his skin, becoming more frequent as time passed.

She asked him to move on but how could he?
They both knew it was a bad decision, they had made many, but nothing of that level.

"Joining the rebel group? Why?" Robbie asked frantically, following Y/n around as she hurriedly put her most precious belongings in a bag.
"Like this? With not a single warning?" His voice was craking as he held in tears of desperation.
She stopped and turned to face him, placing a firm hand on his shoulder and a loving one on his cheek, the dispersed stubble stinging her palm.
"All we have been working for will get us in truble, you know it more than i do. The Hyrulean Army will come and take everything away. Our research, the testimony of our people's intelligence. I will protect what i can by hiding away" she said, a barely perceptible tremor in her voice as she looked into Robbie's light blue eyes, glossy and hurt.

They slowly leaned into eachother, their lips brushing in a pained kiss, their fingertips too scared to feel one another, scared it would linger.
And linger it would.

Robbie's eyes were filled with tears, his clothes stained with their droplets as he sobbed.

It was then that the creaking of the window caught his attention, a loud thud heard just after.

He jumped out of his chair, turning towards the window ready to activate his weapon from his backpack.

"W-who's there!" He shouted displeasingly.

It was when his eyss adjusted to the dark corner below the window that his breath got caught up in his throat, leaving his mouth agape in a terrified grimace.

"Y/N!" he shouted, dropping the unactivated weapon without hesitation and rushing to the slumped figure under the window.

Their uniform was torn, the crimson fabric turned a deeper red from the many visible wounds on her body.
No sign of a mask.
Robbie hyperventilated as he took her fragile form and hugged her tightly, crying in her shoulder.

The smell of cherries reached his nose, a wave of shivers running down his spine, making new tears streaming down her face.

"Hi...Robbie" her voice was so, so different. Low, raspy ridden of all energy.

"I-is it r-really you?" The sheika man asked inbetween gasps, holding the back of her head tightly, meeting those eyes that had plagued his mind for years on end, those eyes now filled with tears and escaping his gaze, looking down ashamed.

"No, no please look at me" he blurted out, his hands moving to hold the sides of her head, softly brushing against her temples.

"I'm sorry it took me so long" she managed to say before big warm tears begun streaming down her face, picking up the dirt and leaving clean stripes after their passage.

Robbie's thumbs moved under Y/n's eyes, wiping away the always renewing tears, then placing his forhead on hers.

"I don't care how long it took... you're here now, and it's all that matters" he whispered as his breath got caught in his throat once more.

"As soon as i heard the Kingdom had accepted the Sheika once more i begged to be let out- but they wouldn't let me! I swear i did everything i could to-" sobs and  gasps stopped her, "to get back to you...Will you ever forgive me...?" Y/n mumbled, leaning into his embrace.

"You are not the one to blame" he whispered once again, moving to look at her pained face once more.

The stars and the moon just outside the window were witnesses of a reunion in love as their lips met once again.

"I never stopped loving you"
" you think we can start over...?"

Another chapter out 😎
I had to study but oops Robbie request dropped (he's my current fav character imma cosplay him soon)

Anyhow, if you enjoyed feel free to leave a vote and a comment!
Also ty so much for 33k views and more than 500 votes!! It makes me so happy you have no idea

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