Riju x Former Yiga! Reader

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Requested by Thegreatestofjinxers
He/him reader

The sandstorm surrounding the North Gerudo Ruins was seemingly not stopping anytime soon, and Riju wasn't as well.

She needed to train her Lighting abilities to perfection, no matter what.

She could barely keep her eyes open and focused on the target ahead of her, making aiming almost impossible.

She sighed in defeat, closing her eyes copletly and sitting at the base of one of the secular sandstone pillars of the ruins, placing her swords on either side of her.

The only sounds around her where the howling wind, the sand scraping every surface and her own voice.

"When will it ever stop...i don't have time to waste!" She said to herself, huffing louldy and giving one last look at the surrounding area, and closing her eyes again.

That's when a cry reached her ears, and her eyes shot open.

Riju stood up, hands on the hilts of her swords.

"Who goes there!?" She yelled, her question remaining answered only by it's own echoing.

She begun walking, peeking over pillars and different ruined structures, when she felt something hit the ground close to her.

Riju looked around almost frantically, and there it was.

A seemingly hylian figure, layed out on the sandy flooring of the ruins, probably unconcious.

She rushed to them, halting just meters apart.

She couldn't help but recognize the crimson-red fabric worn by the unconcious man, and she hesitated.

Riju carefully stepped over, drawing one of her swords, and poking the unconcious man with it's tip a few times, but there was no response.

She took a cuple of deep breaths.

"What should i do what should i do..." she muttered, pity beginning to get a hold of her.

"No! I can't. He's clearly Yiga...but..." she tried to convince herself many times, but something told her to investigate further.

She hesitantly crouched at the Yiga's side, and even more hesitantly checked for a pulse.

'He's alive...maybe he'll recover on his own-' her toughts were stopped when under him, a pool of blood was beginning to show, staining the sandstone.

Riju stumbled back, and jumped over the Yiga to reach his other side.

On his chest was the Yiga Crest, carved pretty deep in his skin, and bleeding badly.

Riju took her time to notice how beaten up and malnourished this Yiga was, his face full of cuts and bruises, his ribs could be seen as clear as day, and doubts begun to plague her mind.

"Could it be? A deserter...?" She muttered as her heart sank, newfound worry in her voice.

She then took yet another deep breath and collected her strenght, carefully picking up the unconcious Yiga bridal style, and beginning to walk away from the ruins.

It was probably "thanks" to the malnourishment, but Riju didn't struggle as much as she tought she would when picking him up.

She walked trough the hazardous desert, trying to be as quick as possible, and finally, after a few qick rests, the light atop Kara Kara Bazar was as close as it could get.

Riju then left the man a few meters away, trying to not be noticed by the vendors and guards surrounding the Oasis, and entered the Bazar.

"I need healing items, food and some bandages, please" she asked the Gerudo at the counter, whom, upon seeing her own leader begun shaking in delight and asking questions, trying to have a nice conversation that in other circumstances Riju would have enjoyed partaking in.

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