Sheika! Astor x Prophet of Doom! Reader Pt. 2

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continuation of the previous chapter, still requested by Itz_Echo_

Angst again bc of course

Gender neutral reader


Tears flooded down Y/n's eyes.

The memories, sweet, beautiful memories, the day they parted, and now this.

The Yiga were probably going to torture the informations out of him.
He was always so frail, he was going to break, and Y/n knew it too well.

as they walked out they could still hear the faint sobs of their old friend. No, old boyfriend. They couldn't just forget him like this, after all he did for them.

the cries from Astor became fainter and fainter.

Kohga and Sooga were still in front of the beaten up man, intrigued of what Y/n knew about him.

Astor's pov

The two, who i assume were the leaders, started demanding answers, but the massive headake that flooded my head made it hard to understand anything.

My love was alive, they had fullfilled their purpose. That purpose they warned me about.

That day had been replaying in my head ever since.

"You don't understand, Astor. It's too late" they started, walking away from me.
I ran and grabbed their boney, cold and pale hand.
"then why didn't you stop when you knew you could?" I barely finished my sentence that they turned around.

Their eyes puffy, breathing heavily, big tears streaming on their cheeks.
"I NEVER HAD A CHOICE ASTOR!" they screamed, moving their arm so that they could hold my hand.
They firmly held it, as if letting me go would kill me.
Y/n then sighed.
"tomorrow Lord Ganon will chose. It's a blood moon after all"

now it was my turn to cry.

"but, but if Calamity Ganon dosn't chose you...?"
They made a soft chukle.
"then i hope you'll be ready to forget me"
that night, the moon was in the way. That certanly wasn't the romantic scenario that they both wanted. They both would have preferred a heavy rain, or a clouded sky, but the moon decided to look at some mere mortals pain.

Light tears started to come out of Astor's eazel eyes, as he softly spoke to himself.

"whatever happens, you can't make me forget you....."

He said, pulling Y/n closer to himself. the hug was tender, they wished it could last. but dreams are for the weak, and Y/n knew it.

their lips were centimiters apart, for what they knew, was going to be their last kiss.

Y/n's pov

different hours had gone by, but that hole in my chest was still there. I couldn't just leave him there, i knew i couldn't.

i took a deep breath, and sprinted towards the dungeons.

As i entered the room, the patrolling Yiga blademasters stiffened.

"Out" i ordered. they looked at me cofused as i got closer to them.

"OUT. NOW" i stopped in my tracks, "And open the cell".

They looked at each other, unlocked the cell, then, left.

When i was sure they were all out, i ran to the cell.

3rd person pov

Astor was laying on the wooden bars, his head resting on his arms.

Y/n crouched next to him, aware of the swelling pain that was eating them from the inside.

they relucantly put a hand on Astor's white, silky hair.

he shivered in their touch, and his eyes fluttered open.

"Y/n..." his voice was raspy, tired. there were new bruises on his face, the Yiga had tortured him alredy.

"Yes Astor, it's me" they reassured the devastated looking man.

new tears formed in his eyes, as Y/n moved their hand on his cheek.

"i kept my promise..."he started, "i never forgot you" he gave a weak smile.

Y/n didn't know what to feel, other than pain.

they stood up, opening the cage, then, they latched on Astor, and hugged him like his whole life depended on it.

As they both cried, the pain in Y/n's body kept rising, and rising, untill they could only feel pain.

They started breething heavily, their hands contorting and turning black and purple.

"wha- what is going on?!" Astor scremed inbetween tears.

Y/n could only look back at him, their eyes wide and their body mostly corrupted.

Y/n let out a blood curdling scream, as the Malus consumed them.

After all, they knew dreams were for the weak, and Ganon didn't want that.





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