Rauru (and Ganondorf) x FtM! Reader

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Requested by LouDoragon
he/him reader

I'm not good at writing trans characters, but i'll try my best

"You know, Rauru" Y/n begun, shifting towards the Zonai man on the picnic cloth under them both to face him.

Rauru did the same, placing his plate filled with strawberries and other fruit down on his folded legs, patiently waiting for Y/n to gather his toughts.

"That Gerudo King, Ganondorf, was it?" He asked, trying to get a confirmation.

"What about him? Rauru asked, hiding well the tone of annoyance in his voice.

"What do you know about him? He's so...intriguing, in a way, is he not?" Y/n asked, slightly leaning to get more comfortable on the picnic blanket, their archaic tunic sligtly folding, revealing the zonai art on his chest adorning the scars now barely visible.

Rauru hesitated "well," it was like words couldn't get out of his throat.
Why was Y/n so interested in that man all of a sudden? Was this only curiosity? He knew Y/n well, and that discourse would have arrived way before if it was only out of curiosity. And they way he spoke...what was in his mind?

"Ganondorf is the only male of the all female society of the Gerudo and it's ruler by destiny. He is intriguing, but i fear he hides many secrets, and might not be the man we think he is" Rauru finally spoke, trying to sound as objective as possible, and as he spoke, he could see the glint in Y/n's eyes.

"But why brood over an untrustworthy man, we are living the era of peace and prosperity every kingdom could ever desire, after all" he added, picking up his own plate and eating some pieces of fruit.

Y/n listened intensly, the images of that so misterious, stoic man flooding in his mind.

"Maybe he is placing a façade on himself to seem like a strong leader wothout soft spots, maybe he's not what he shows" Y/n begun talking, grabbing a golden apple and biting into it after.

Rauru couldn't help but feel irritated, altough he knew it wasn't the way to go about it.

He was overreacting.

Y/n was just speculating things, he couldnt feel attracted to a man like that when himself was so close to him.

Rauru had tried many advances, many passing unnoticed to Y/n's eyes.

He knew deep down that Y/n only saw a brother in him, a best friend, but nothing more.

Where was he going wrong?

"Rauru, is everything ok?" Y/n's voice shook him out of his trance, and he nodded, staying silent.

They both stayed seated on the picnic blanket, basking in the beautiful day, the breeze was soft and cool, making the sun way more bearable and the whole picture was amazing. It was the peak of spring, all kinds of flowers had bloomed in the land, and the wind brought along their prefume, the grass was emerald green and the trees were filled with vibrant leaves and chirping birds.

But Rauru couldn't help but miss it all.

He was so drawn in his toughts that the day passed in an instant, and the time spent with the person he loved gone to waste.

What did Ganondorf have that he didn't?

If it was someone else we were talking about he would have been more supportive in helping his best friend's little crush, it would have still hurt, but at least he could know that Y/n was in good hands.

but him? One of the least trusted people in the whole new founded kingdom of Hyrule?

He felt his stomach drop many times as thoughts ran along his mind, and he could see Y/n getting further and further, away from his reach.

Ok this is really short, i had zero ideas for it i'm so sorry.


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