Mistreated! Symin x Caring! Reader pt 2

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Requested by LenaHummingbird
He/him reader

It had been days since Y/n could only think about the way Purah treated Symin, the way he saw his passion for research stumble, all because a bossy CHILD had puppet strings attached to him.

Y/n knew Symin wouldn't want for him to get in truble, and Y/n knew that, and didn't want to risk Symin's job and aquiring the title of Child Beater, but he had to do something.
He took a deep breath, sticking their rake in the dirt and wiping their hands on their pants, where stains now were more visible, and begun walking away from his field.

The path towards the ancient tech lab was steep, but nothing Y/n couldn't handle, drivven by rage.

As he passed, two kids of the village hid behind a tree, where they were seemingly spying on the lab in question. It's weird shape was towering over the village, as it was situated on the highest hill in the confines of Hateno.

Y/n finally reached the door to the lab, a glowing blue pedistal situated right in front of it, and knocked loudly and rather violently.

"Symin, get the door!"

"I'm a little buisy, Purah-"

"Get. the. door!"

the conversation taking place inside made Y/n's blood boil, and they opened the door by themselves, hoping to not hit Symin on the other side.

"no need to send someone, i can  open doors on my own" Y/n said annoyed, locking eyes with Purah, who was sitting on the table, filing her nails.

Symin eyes sparkled with both joy and horror at the sight of their lover, unsure of what his presence meant.

"i was hoping we could have a little...chat?" Y/n said, crossing his arms and walking closer to Purah, who had a non-caring expression on her face.

"whatever, what's up?" she said, finally looking up at Y/n, now right in front of her.

"you wouldn't happen to know why Symin has a ton of bruises on his skin, right?" he begun, furrowng his eyebrows, tappinng his foot on the wooden floor awaiting an answer.

Purah's face visibly contorted in one of surprise, with a mixture of fear.

"oh, thaaaat. your little Symin has been doing dangerous research and he probably got himself hurt!" she nervously laughed, closing herself in her shoulders.

"bullshit" Y/n said, the calm in his voice even more terrifying.

"he told me everything, and i wont let it slide, you little bitch" Y/n pointed his finger towards Purah, really close to her nose, and in a moment, she slapped Y/n's hand away, screeching.

"Hey!" Symin called, rushing over to the pair, "i wont let you treat him like you treat me!" he yelled, moving to stand between Y/n and Purah.

"Symin, what re you talikng about! i do it for fun! because we are friends! you can't be serious with this-" she was interrupted by Symin removing his sheika robe and showing her the bruises on the side of his torso.

"does this look funny to you?! and it's not just that, but EVERYTHING you make me go tough! every! day!" he yelled, tears prickling his eyes.

Purah just looked in shock as Symin kept talking, "it's like i'm nothing to you! like everything i do means nothing!" he kept going, Y/n, rubbing his back as he began crying.

"he will take the next few days off. clear?" Y/n half whispered to Purah as they begun walking towards the exit of the lab. she could only nod as Y/n gave her the middle finger before closing the door shut with a loud thud.

as they walked together down towards the village they held hands, enjoying the comfortable silence andd the weight taken off of their shoulders.

i hope u enjoyed, again, sorry for the few updates, i am trying my best.

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