Ganondorf x Hurt! Reader

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Requested by SaraEvans572

"what is that..?" Zelda announced, a slight tremor in her voice as the immense glow of a spiraling light showed the mummified body of someone undescribable.

Link stood just behind her, his gaze fixated on the glowing red figure, bent down by what seemed like a deatached hand.

"the gloom, it's dispersing from here" Y/n said, the thick strands of purple and black fumes now worriyingly present.

the sheika resercher couldn't believe her eyes. first, the carvings speaking the tales of the imprisoning war, then, this.

the group couldn't say anything more, as the hand holding onto the chest of the mummified figure limply fell to the ground, followed by a shiny stone, that bounced with a soft cling untill it reached Zelda's feet.

she hesitantly picked it up, the stone becoming brighter every moment she held onto it.

"what is this..." Y/n commented, getting closer to Zelda, but their actions were soon stopped by the loud sound of a heartbeat.

it was then that the mummified figure begun moving, it's articulations popping as it moved for the first time in goddes knows how long.

it's eyes then pulsated a bright red, just before strands of gloom slithered out of the fugure, moving towards the group, Zelda being the main target.

the substance rapidly swung itself to hit her, when Link's fast reflexes threw it away with his shield.

the strand did not disappear, and as Link unsheated the Master Sword, it was engulfed by the gloom, which reached Link's shoulder.

as he gasped in pain, the malice dissolved, leaving space for another to attack, and as Link swung his sword to fend it, the blade of the Sword That Seals The Darkness shattered into pieces, it's holy light dispersing in a moment, just before a shard cut the cheeck of the looming figure.

"Link!" Zelda yelled, her tone disraught and terrified.

Y/n couldn't move.

the Mastersword had shattered.

what was this monstorsity they were going to face?

her train of tought was interrupted by the sound of a new voice. a raspy, almost ghostly voice, coming from that mummified figure adorned with gold.

"wast that the sword that seals the darkness...?" it begun talking as it moved to stand upright, "a blade that shatters so easily against my power cannot save you from me"

as much as he was struggling, Link kept up what remained of the mastersword in a last attempt to save Zelda's life.

"Zelda...." it begun talking again, making the called girl widen her eyes in shock, "You, who carry that fragile sword..." now it looked at Link, it's eyes the likes of which they had only seen in Dark Beast Ganon, "are Link".

the being didn't seem to care of the presence of a third person in the party as it stood up in all it's height.

"Rauru placed his faith in you..." 'the first king of Hyrule' Y/n muttered, "and this is all you could do?" it said tauntingly, almost sorry.

Zelda trembled and backed away, "how do you...know our names?" the figure didn't answer.

a powerful balst emitted from the place in it's chest where the hand once held it down, making the cave tremble, debree beginning to fall, and the ground beginning to break.

"ZELDA!" Y/n shouted, as a piece fo the cieling came crushing down where she stood just before the researcher was able to throw herself at the princess.

The Legend Of Zelda: BotW, AoC, TotK Oneshots! (x reader)Where stories live. Discover now