Yunobo x Reader

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Reader gets catcalled DameHestia
they/them reader

(it's Totk Yunobo btw)

"Ah, finally a free day" Y/n happily announced while stretching, walking alongside Yunobo on Stolock bridge, heading towards the Goron Hot Springs.

"i still don't know why you insist on working in the mines" Yunobo muttered, scratching the side of his cheek.

Y/n brushed off the hinted question, cracking their knukles and neck, relesing some tension gotten from their harsh working environment.

"it's nice you also got time to hang out you know" They said, looking at their long time friend with a bright smile.

Yunobo giggled, smiling back and sligthly blushing, scratching the back of his neck.

"yup, it is sure nice having time off," he sighed, "what did i even think when founding YunoboCo?? was i insane?" He sounded very preoccupied, holding his face in his huge hands, "and that whole fiasco with the mask? How will i EVER recover from that!" he completly hid his face in his hands now, and Y/n patted his shoulder in reassurance.

"you know everybody has alredy forgave you for that, it wasn't your fault, Yum" They comforted the young adult, who seemed to brighten up a bit.

When Y/n took sight of the hot springs they had just reached they smiled brightly, and quickly stripped of most of their clothes, remaining in their undergarthemnts.

They looked back at Yunobo, ho seemed extremly bashful and nervous, laughing.

"c'mon! Think less and join me, you mess of a rock!" As soon as they said that, they dove into the warm water, sighing of relief as they felt the tension from their work melt away in an instant.

Yunobo shook his head, taking off whatever clothes and armor he had on, and sat where the warm water was shallow, and smiled, looking at how relaxed and content his friend looked, enjoying the sensation himself.

After a bit of splashing around, Y/n sat beside Yunobo, their arms spread on the edge of the natural pool to keep them from going too low, and closed their eyes.

Thats when a whistle was heard from the hot springs just on the other side of the road.

Two men looked mischevoulsy at the pair, more so at Y/n, and were indicating with their fingers for Y/n to join them.

Y/n made a disgusted face, looking on the side.

Yunobo was left with his eyes wide open in surprise.

one of the two men scoffed.

"Hey cutie, why don't you be kind and look at the travellers that just want to talk witc'ya", he said, and the other jokingly bumped his elbow on the other's arm.
"and maybe they'll get better company than whatever a Goron could give them"
they both laughed.

They then could be heard muttering disgusting things, talking about Y/n's looks and speculating bloodcurdling things anout them.

Yunobo was quick to notice how his friend demeanor changed in seconds.

firstly, anger, then, disgust, and lastly, fear and shame.

"we...we should go" they whispered, their head low and their arms covering their upper body in a self-embrace.

Yunobo shook his head, slightly moving in front of Y/n to cover them from the perverted looks of the travellers.

"what? we can't let these pricks get away with it!" He whisper-shouted, clear annoyance and determination in his voice.

he proceeded to look the two in their eyes as he walked out of the water.

They laughed at first, moking him and the patheticness of his friend, who wouldn't even stand up for themselves, and that was the last straw.

Yunobo took a few deep breaths before grabbing his boulder crusher from the pile of his belongings that was just on the side of the hot spring he was in, and walked to the edge of the one the two males, now frightened and nervous, were.

"How dare you talk like that to my friend!?" He yelled, Y/n's eyes glossy from both the effects of the harrasment they endured and the happiness of having a friend like Yunobo, who, despite his fearsome and nervous demeanor, wouldn't hesitate to protect those close to him.

The goron held his weapon firmly, his face contorted in an angry expression, a rather rare sight.

"you've managed to piss me off! And as next in line to lead the Goron Tribe and protect those in Our lands, the two of you must never put a foot in Eldin ever again!" He screamed, slighlty raising his weapon, and the two were alredy scrambling away, the sight of an armed Goron way too much for them to bear alone.

Yunobo sighed loudly, the boulder crushed hitting the ground with a loud thud, and him doing the same.

"that took a whole lot outta me..." he whiped his forhead, closing his eyes as he rested on the rocky ground.

Yunobo soon felt a tight hug embrace him, soft sobs emanating from the person who was hugging him.

"Thank you so much Yum!" Y/n whisper-yelled, tears streaming down their face.

Yunobo was quick to hug them back, slightly rocking side to side as he did.

"Don't mention it, Y/n. I'd do anything for my friends...i can't always be the one who gets saved after all!" He giggled, hoping to brighten his friend's mood.

they soon parted the hug and plunged back into the water of the springs, talking and laughing, and soon, a splash fight broke out, and they were left for hours laughing and playing like two kids, all their stress melting away in one quality day together.

oh my god i love Yunobo so much he's my skrumblo he's the best


i hope you enjoyed :)

(I'm not going to publish in order of requester anymore bc i find it easyer to write the stuff that i genuinly like first and leave the ones i have less inspiration for a bit later on or this book will never see another update in months)

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