Rauru x reader pt. 1

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Requested by TheRedRoseJester
They/them reader


"Sonia! My friend, hopefully I'm not bothering you," the smooth voice of the Zonai king reached the blonde haired woman, who opened her eyes and turned back to look at the young adult, a pleasant and genuine smile on her face.

"Rauru, it's good seeing you here at the temple, what can i do for you?" She chirped, walking closer to Rauru, who suddently felt a little nervous.

He looked around, and once his gaze landed on a figure in the distance, he whispered, "could we talk outside maybe, if it's no problem for you," he spoke with his tone low and wary.

Sonia turned her head with curiosity, searching for whatever was putting Rauru in unease, and she was almost a hundred percent sure that what Rauru was looking at, was Y/n.

The young woman turned back to the king, "sure, we can head in the gardens and talk of whatever," she snikered, "or whoever is it you need to talk about" se begun walking, waiting for Rauru to regain his composire after Sonia read right trhough him.

The temeperature outside was perfect, clouds roamed the sky, sometimes covering the sun and cooling the land with their shadow, there was a gentle breeze that moved the grass and trees just right.

There in the gardens, Rauru and Sonia walked in silence, the woman waiting patiently for her long-time friend to spill whatever it was that was so important he came to her while she was working in the temple, and soon, the man gave a loud sigh.

"You know about...Y/n, right?" He blurted out, his usually regal tone completly let down for a moment.

Sonia smiled, and soon she was laughing.

"Sonia! Please this is alredy embarassing enough..." he muttered, covering his face in his own hands.

Sonia's laighter soon died down, and she composed herself, "i do in fact know them, they're like a sibling to me, i've known them most of my life", she finally ansered, the conversation now where it needed to be.

"What about them? Are they in truble?" Sonia glanced at Rauru, who adverted her gaze and looked down at the patway made of pebbles, nervousness in his expression.

"No...no it's just...they're rather charming that's all..." he almost whispered in between himslef, placing his hands on top of his face after.

"This is higly inappropriate- i'm a king i shouldn't be melting at the sole tought of a person," he trailed off, "someone i barely know of too! Oh if Mineru ever finds out she'd mock me till our last living days".

Sonia listened and giggled, looking forward at the horizon,
"I could arranhe something for the two of you" she calmly spoke, and Rauru stopped in his tracks.

"What? Sonia you'd do that for me? But what would Y/n even think of me? A king that can't muster up the curage to get to know a person-"

"Rauru," Sonia also stopped, placing herself in front of him and looking up at his ashamed expression, "Y/n has told me how she wishes to know you, but jas been afraid to even walk up to you as you are their king. You are alredy so similar and don't even know the half of it" Sonia spoke, a hint of a smile in her words, and Rauru seemed to light up.

"So you are saying...they also want to talk to me?" He spoke, his tone dreamy yet cautios.

"Mhm," the woman nodded, "and i'm sure the two of you will click like a korok puzzle" she teaeed, a sly grin on her face.

"Sonia!" Rauru whisper-yelled, covering his face in embarassment onece more.

Ok really rushed and short but it's all i can think of rn lmao

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