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requested by LenaHummingbird

What if Y/n was a human expreiment found by Purah and Robbie?

i tought of Y/n of like a monster Hybrid, fused toghether with a Lynel and other types of monsters, but before that they were a hylian and they were used for experimentation for super-soliders for the Hyrulean army.


Purah (with Symin)

-At first she would be scared and probably freeze for a little while, then she would feel sorry for you since you look like you're in a lot of pain.

Purah would try to approach you by crouching and slowly walking towards you, as to not scare you with abrupt movements, while Symin whisper-yells for her to be careful since you might be dangerous (you ain't)

Robbie (With Jerrin)

-He'd be amazed and try to approach you to see if you undestand his language, wich you barely do, but he'd probably get too exited and scare you away somehow which is a bummer, but soon he'd find you again and offer to be taken to the lab with him where he'd keep you safe.

Jerrin would be on the side during the whole thing, fake gagging at your sight and overall being disgusted.


(Both of them)

They make sure you are comfortable by giving you clean clothes, a warm blanket, water and something to eat, which, unknown to them you don't need, but it was kinda funny seeing you try Hylian food and make cute faces, even with a distorted face and hollow eyes, when you liked them.

Also, you never let go of the blanket and if they tried to take it away from you for a medical check you would hiss like a cat and show your pointed theeth and claws.

They'd also let you roam around the lab to research your demeanor, of course leading you away from dangerous prototyoes and important documents.

needless to say you ate some sheets of paper with important research on them.


You opened up to them because they showed you kindness and took care
of you, unlike the people that experimnted on you in the secret lab the scientists fodund you in.

You'd let them examine you, understanding that they were doing it to make sure you were ok, they were understanding of your inability to talk and they helped making sure you fit into society at one point, taught you how to read and write, and some signs to help you communicate with them, also, they started reserching for a way to make a machine that connected to you would grant you speech.

Purah and Robbie made sure you weren't drafted in the military because of your Lynel-like strenght, keeping you a sort of secret but not in a way that made you feel trapped.

They taught you what was was good and bad, and presented you the world, with it's dangers and beautiful things.

ok this was something new! I hope it was to your liking.
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