Symin x Hurt! Gerudo Reader

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Requested by LenaHummingbird

They / Them reader

"umbelivable" Symin grunted, forhead filled with sweat and pain in his legs as he crossed the harsh temperatures of the desert.

"Purah really couldn't ask anyone else to 'get research done on the desert shrines'"
He was surely annoyed, and as much as he enjoyed gaining knowledge on Ancient Sheika Technology, exploring wasn't really his thing.

The heavy bags he held with hin weren't helping either. For some time the path had finished, and after a quick stop at Kara Kara bazar, he followed the faint beeps of the Sheika Sensor in any direction.

The sun was at it's highest, no shade ahead, but a faint yellow glow hidden behind some rocks.

"Finally! That has to be it!" He was overjoyed at the sight and ant the confirmation of the beeping Ancient device in his sweaty hands.

Before he could continue, the rays of the sun felt like lava on his body.

'The potion effect has finished, i better drink another before-' his toughts got to an abrupt end when, reaching for the bottle in his purse, he was only met with the empty ones from the long jurney.

His heart skipped a beat as he felt weaker and weaker, his knees trembling and his head spinning.

'I-I have to reach the Shrine' he tought to himself, knowing the devastating effects this was going to have on his health.

He was way too far into the desert to go back to the Bazar, the only way of doing this was supporting the pain.

His vision begun to get blurry, the heat waves visible making his head spin even more than it alredy was, and the sky didn't have any sign of clouds, that maybe would have made the weather bearable.

Fortunatly, he managed to get to the shrine all in one piece, and once in the rock formation that covered the whole place in nice shadows, he was finally able to have a break.

As he left his bags on the floor in front of the door filled with inscriptions and started looking around at the sand locked in the carvings, a soft whimper reached his long ears.

'what was that?' He asked himself, looking around.

He let out a shaky breath, a grim reminder of the Yiga housing in the Gerudo desert creeping over him.

he took his Sheika Slate and held it tightly in his hands, trembling ever so slightly, and sliding the curson on the Bomb icon after activating the shrine, and the teleport option was available on it.

"i-is anyone there?!" He shouted, gaining some confidence as he knew of the power of the Sheika Slate.

"help me..." that same whisper reached him, now more alarmed than scared.

He rushed to the sides of the Shrine to get a better view, hoping to find the pleading traveller.

The glistening of golden ornaments caught his eyes.

A gerudo was half sliding in the sand, a hand on their bleeding stomach.

"Please help!" They coughed, also getting a glimpse of the Sheika man, now rushing towards them.

Far off, running in the sand, a group of three Yiga were sprinting to them, sikles in hand.

Symin's heart raced at the sight, holding the Gerudo under their armpits, and swiftly cliking the teleport option on the Slate, that took the both of them in front of the Hateno Ancient Tech lab.

The two took a deep breath, before Symin remembered the severe wound on the Gerudo, and took them inside.

He opened the door with a kick, holding the person bridal style.
"Rude" Purah commented, not facing them and not noticing the situation. But when she did, she gave a small scream and slid everything that was on the working table on the ground, leaving space for Symin to lay the Gerudo on it.

"Symin what happend??!" She paniked, Syming doing the same, grabbing a first aid kit from a drawer in the messy lab.

He started patching up the wounded and in pain Gerudo, placing a cloth in their mouth for them to bite as he cleaned and sanitized the bad gash on their stomach.

The procedure took a lot of time and effort out of the two scientists, but once done, they were rewarded with the plesure of saving a life.

The Gerudo was broight to the inn, were Symin helped them recover.

"I'm immensly grateful. You have saved my life without hesitation, even when the threat was great. May i know the name of my saviour?" The gerudo spoke, great pride in her voice.

"I'm Symin, helper of the Sheika scientist Purah" he answered, straighening his back from the bad posture he was sitting in on the stool beside the inn's bed.

"I'm Y/n, Gerudo warrior and army official. I think i owe you an explanation of the situation you found me" they sighed, looking down on the bedsheets, a bit flustered.

they didn't wait for Symin to respond, as he was alredy listening and looking at them with interest.

"i was sent to retrieve the Gerudo heirloom, the Thunder Helm, recently stole by the Yiga clan, who, i suppose you are way too familiar whit.

I managed to find their hideout. I was inches away from retriving the helm but i was caught, disarmed and thrown in their prisons.

I had just managed to escape in a moment of distraction, but i couldn't hold them off without weapons, so i just had to run for it, and thank to the Seven you were there, talk about right time and right place" they laighed at the last sentence, a sharp pain hitting them where the wound was stiched.

Symin admired the Gerudo, both for their story and for their beauty. It was no secret that the Gerudo were a pleasure to the eyes, but he never thought he'd be fancy one himself.

They talked for hours about their life, the ups and down, friends, family, and all they could think of.

Symin tought of thanking Purah for sending him in the desert, or he might have never found them.

such a brilliant person mixed with the pride of a strong warrior, a match that was difficuilt to find, a new friend, someone to talk to that wasn't a whiny old lady that turned herself into a kid.

It felt so new for the both of them, and they coudln't deny the growing feelings in their hearts.


i dindn't proofread it there might be grammatical errors

Sorry for the wait school's a bitch

remember requests are open and this book depends on them

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