Robbie + Purah x Reader part 2

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Requested by LenaHummingbird

Y/n couldn't remember the last time they had spent time with Purah and Robbie. The calamity had had them buisy with research and they'd never take a break.

Y/n would often sneak in the lab, knowing damn well they both asked them to stay in a safe place, but Y/n wanted to do something, even if it was the smallest of help.

They'd bring home-made cookies and bottles of water, often with stiky notes with small doodles of cats, guardians and sometimes the faces of the two scientist, in hope to lighten their mood just a little bit.

Y/n missed them, and they were worried about their well being, as they were often drafted in the battle field to help the Hyrulean army with their Sheika technology, and coming back home with bad bruises and wounds.

The young adults tried to act ok when Y/n was around, but the young teen knew better, and could see right thru them.

Y/n got once more in the empty lab, switching on a light so that they wouldn't trip on the mess of screws and ancient gears on the ground.

They placed the tray of muffins they held on the counter, grabbing a sticky note from a drawer and, after taking a deep breath, started writing.

How long 'till another movie night?

Under it they doodled the couch they would all sit together on when Robbie would plug the Sheika Slate on a projector and scroll thru memories, photos, and random videos they had filmed thoughout their lives.

Y/n found themselves wiping away a stray tear just after sticking the note on the lid of the muffin tray.

Now they were on the ground, their back against the wall, their arms crossed on their knees and their head hidden in them, sobbing.

They missed them so much. They saw them change and loose that sparkle of joy that always made them laugh and feel safe and loved.

then the door was shut loudly, and groaning voices could be heard.

"did we- did we leave the lights on when we left?" The recognizable voice of Purah tiredly said, looking at Robbie in confusion.

"i don't know...honestly i just wanna lay down right now..." Robbie responded, his voice monotone and all his energy gone into nothing.

Y/n stood as still as possible, knowing they weren't going to be pleased at the sight of them in the lab, and hearing them talk made them realize how much in a bad mood they were.

But it was inevitable.

Robbie's glasses did some noises and ticks, as they spotted a presence in the room.

He was alerted, and begun walking around aimlessly, looking up and down, were he found "Y/n!"

The teen curled up into a ball more than they alredy were, avoinding Robbie and Purah's gazes.

As the man took sight of the crying teen he sprinted tiwards them, sliding on his knees to lower himself at Y/n's level.

He gently placed his hands on Y/n's cheecks, wiping away the big tears flowing out of their reddend eyes.

"What's wrong darlin'?" Purah asked in a sad tone, also crouching just beside Robbie.

Y/n kept avoiding the concerned looks from the adults, who looked at each other with regret.

"...why...why can't i help you guys in the lab?" They whispered, "why can i not be useful and give you hand...?" They continued, lowering their head in their arms once again.

"It's for your safety...we talked about it Y/n, we are in great risk of being besieged and we'd rather you don't risk your life here..." Robbie spoke with a soft voice.

Purah nodded before speaking.

"Also, you don't have any idea of how much your little gifts have been affecting our days positivly, you are doing more than you know sweety".

At those words Y/n smiled and wiped the last tears from their eyes.

"i'm sure this won't last long...and then we can all start living normally again.

nice another one done! Be sure to leave a comment/request and a vote if you enjoyed this chapter.

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