Robbie x Yiga! Reader

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Requested by Roy_Was_Spotted
they/them reader

The sun was beginning to hide under the horizon, and Robbie, along with Purah and other Sheika scientists, Y/n included, were continuing their research on the fragmented memories in that little egg-shaped guardian, who, standing on the examination table, would often make some beeps and boops in curiosity.

that's when Robbie held up the Sheika slate he had in hand that was connected to the little one, and loudly announced, after a low chuckle, "Excelent, i've finally finished my painstaking analisys! Oh Yeah!" With that last overjoyed yell, many of the scientists turned around in surprise and annoiance at his antics.

Y/n came running to him, hugging him from the side, placing a soft kiss on his cheek and gaining a toothy grin from the scientist, who kissed them back.

Purah also walked to the analysis table, "yeah yeah, we're all very impressed," she said almost annoyed, grabbing the slate with her own hand, "now what did you find" she added in a rush.

It was then that Y/n whispered a broken hearted 'sorry' to the man, who couldn't process what was happening as his partner for now many years held a sikle at his throat, that face he loved so much covered by the inverted Sheika eye of the Yiga Mask.

Another solider held Purah, as well as many others that were threathening the other Sheika scientists.

"Wha- what's the meaning of this sick joke?" Robbie blurted out in fear, the feeling of betrayal being new and making him uneasy and heartbroken.

Y/n couldn't say anything more than, "give us the guardian and the sheika slate".
Pain and struggle were evident in their voice, as they tightly held the sikle close to their lover's throat.

It was then that chaos unfolded.

Purah launched the Sheika Slate in the air, shouting for the guardian to take it and run, and so it did.

As a few Yiga chased it, the remaining in the lab vanished in a cloud of smoke, all exept one.

Sobs were evident and clear as day even under the mask, and Y/n released their sikle which hit the pavement with a loud metallic crash, and Y/n and fell to the ground just after, crouched at Robbie's feet.

In between heavy breaths and tears they mumbled apologie after apologie, their body shaking and crouched into a ball, their hands above their head.

Robbie hesitated for a moment, his mind hazy and his heart beating fast, not sure of how to react.

"Was it all a little game?" He muttered, the usual energy in his voice completly gone, now it was somber and trembling.

Y/n could only lift their head up in confusion.

"Did you-" Robbie's breath hitched, "did you ever love me? Or did you only want information...?" He said barely above a whisper, taking off his metallic glasses and showing the sorrow in his eyes, where tears thretened to spill.

He looked at Y/n from above, awaiting an answer.

"I did! I loved you from the day i got here. You opened my mind to something new," they begun talking, raising themselves up on their knees, "oh Robbie i wanted to leave the clan but it was impossible- i didn't want to risk my life- risk your life!" They said, their voice trembling and their hands clasping on Robbie's pants as they both cried.

He simply turned his head on the other side, his eyes closed as tears ran along his face.

"Robbie i never wanted this! Please believe me-" Y/n almost yelled, getting ully up from the ground and reaching to grab the scientist's limp hands.

"I can-" they begun, their breath stuk in their throat, "i can tell you all the information i have on further attacks by the clan, time, zone, quantity of soliders but please, don't leave me," they sobbed harder and harder at every word, and then they unclasped their maks, that fell to the ground with a thud.

"You're the only one i have ever felt like someone with".

Robbie sighed, and he opened his mouth to say something, just to close it a moment after, and reciprocating the hand holding with Y/n.

"Y/n...if you just had said it sooner, we all would have kept you safe-"

The loud, recognizable voice of Purah interrupted them.

Robbie then realized that she had disappeared as they talked.

She had alerted the Hyrulean army.

"No! Wait!" Robbie screamed as four armored soliders grabbed Y/n, who was also yellingfor Robbie, and started dragging them away.

Purah held onto Robbie to prevent him from following the group while telling him to calm down.

"That's why they always seemed off...they were just gonna cause more truble either way" Purah spoke, and Robbie finally managed to free himself from her grasp, shoving her away.

"What have you done! We were coming to an agreement they could have helped us!"  He yelled, anger and disbelief tinted his voice, more tears begun flowing from his eyes.

He then begun to furiously walk across the entire lab, brushing the bridge of his nose, then he stopped, and covered his whole face in his hands.

"What are they gonna do to them...?" He mumbled in despair.

Purah hesitated before speaking, "they're...they're being executed...they know too much".

Robbie's ears begun to ring, his head to spin and his vision to get hazy.

"They're WHAT!?" he screamed, running for the door, but Purah grabbed his arm last second.

"Do you really wanna be there when they do?! Forgetting would be easyer, they were probably using you anyway! Why care!" She yelled, but soon sileneved when Robbie's face visibly darkened.

"There wasn't a single moment where i felt used. Without them certain breaktroughs wouldn't have even been possible! They truly cared for me and so do I. I need to stop this" and with that, he ran trough the door as fast as he could, following the bricked path up to where he knew execution took place once.

As he ran his hair got messy, and the tears that streamed from bis eyes fell to the sides of his face.

And there they were. Their head on a scaffold, their eyes closed, and a masked solider with an axe in hand, hovering above their neck, ready to behead them.

"STOP! STOP PLEASE!" Robbie yelled and his voice craked as his running speed accelerated, but he soon stopped in his tracks when the axe was now on the wood of the scaffold, and Y/n's head rolling on the floor in front of it, funtains of blood being relised from their cut-open neck.

Robbie's breath shook and he fell to his knees.

It wasn't supposed to go this way.

It was like an equasion of those he liked most, seemingly with an impossible outcome but, if you gave it your all, with a clear result.

And this equasion was rushed and handled by the wrong people.

Ightttt lmao it kinda sucks sorry
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