Monster! Sooga x Monster Tamer! Reader pt.2

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Requested by ANNULET
they/them reader
Again, sorry for the long wait

The sun had just risen above the horizon, que for the monster tamer to wake up and begin their day once again.

They slowly got out of bed, scratching their back and walking, still half asleep, towards the kitchen.

The Lynel Hybrid yawned, all their pointy teeth showing at once, and their ears twitching.

They put a pot of water onto the newly started fire, and as they waited for the water to boil, they took a look that their diary.

'nothing planned for today huh?' They tought, looking at the blank page and smiling tiredly.

'wonder if the Yiga'd let me in to see Sooga' they kept thinking, now carefully pouring the water in a wooden cup, and adding a tea packet into it, stirring the mix with a spoon.

they sighed, taking a sip of their tea, wondering how their fellow hybrid was doing, thinking back a few months, when they first met and how he fell asleep on them, and how soft his hair was...and how handsome his face was...and how amazing they felt hanging out with him in the past weeks.

Y/n widened their eyes, realizing their train of tought was going way off the rails. They could swear there was a massive blush on their face, but they brushed it off.

They quickly got up to clean the cup they had drank out of, before going to the bathroom to comb their hair and change from their pijamas to a clean set of clothes.

'dang, i really have today all for myse-" they were interrupted by a loud knock on the door.

"Comin'!" Y/n yelled, sprinting at the door.

they undid the lock, and after twisting the doorknob, they couldn't help but smile.

"Good morning, Master Kohga" they fully opened the door, gesturing for the man to come inside.

"Y/n we need you again- i mean- Sooga does at least" the Yiga didn't sound as preoccupied as he did the first time they had met, this time it was more...annoyed? Almost jokingly? Nontheless Y/n was left surprised.

"is he hurt again? Has he been taking those painkillers i recommended?" The hybrid asked.

"yeah yeah, the horns are out now, he's fine like that, it's just like he's ALWAYS asking about you and no amount of company will satify him" Kohga laughed.
"it's almost like he's got some kind of crush on ya".

Y/n was even more surprised, their eyes wide open, and a soft blush on their cheeks once more at the antics of the older man in front of them.

" got time to hang out with him?" Kohga asked.

"Yeah, yeah i have time today" Y/n was quick to answer, gesturing for the man to wait a second, as they shut the door to go grab some stuff.

'holy shit i called it' they thought, smiling intensly and feeling the tiredeness of the morning melt away, being replaced by pure joy.

they were quick to gather some stuff, a book, some paper and pencils and whatnot, and they were soon at the door again, were Kohga waited patiently.

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