Yandere! Kohga x Reader

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Requested by Ms_steal_yo_mans

They/them reader

The stomping of Vah Naboris' feet on the sand made itself known, alarming the Yiga.

"They are coming straigth to us! The divine beast has alredy trampled most of the troops on the dunes" a Yiga advised Master Kohga, who was sitting at a wooden table, his leg bouncing at a fast pace.

He grunted before making a decision.

"then have the still alive Yiga come here and defend me and the hideout" He hit the table with his fists and got up, preparing to fight too, much to Sooga's despair.

Kohga angrily mumbled something before stomping out of the room, followed by some of his lackeys.

"a minute i'm sleaping and the next our cover is blown! Can't have a moment of peace-" his sentence was abruptly cut off by an explosion.

"THE ENTRANCE HAS BEEN TAKEN DOWN" yiga screamed and alerted everybody, running down the hallways.

"oh great-" Kohga puffed.

"I'll be at the hole, hold them off as much as you can," he annoyingly said, "And Sooga, if they make it to there be prepared to shield me" he finished before making some hand gestures and teleporting out of sight.

The fight raged on, the hero and his allies tore their enemies to shreads and most of the Yiga were left either severly injured or had lost their lives.

Not to mention the incredible damage that the Hyrulean army had brought into the hideout, damaging livestock, tearing forniture apart and so on.

Sooga had tried to slow them down, but the Hero and whoever was with him had grown in strenght since the last mission, leaving no choice but to retreat.

And there they were, the huge mistery hole greeted the army, and so did Kohga with his charm as he presented himself.

"....is gonna kill you all...." he prepared to strike his pose when someone caught his eye.

An Hyrulean solider, more like a Capitain, stood just off to the side of Link, sword drawn, armor in pieces, and missing helmet.

Kohga was left mesmorized and captivated by the looks of that mistery person, but the pause was becoming way too long and obnoxious.

he shook his head and striked his pose.

"...to DEATH!"

And the battle begun.

but before the 'good guys' striked, Kohga mentioned for the Yiga on his sides.

"i want that one...as a prisoner of course" he whispered, and the chase was on.

Soon Y/n found themselves attacked on every side by Yiga footsoliders, and, with their current state of being, it wasn't long untill they blacked out because of a strong hit.

They woke up in a dark room, their limbs aching and their head pounding from the previous fight.

Y/n was confused.

they barely opened their eyes to scan the environment.

They were in a cell.

Tied up.

Barely sitting up on a wooden stool, tied against it with thick ropes.

Then all of a sudden, the light of a torch reached their eyes.

"well well, had a great nap? Cuz i sure didn't with all that mess you and your little soliders made in MY HIDEOUT!" the most annoying voice one could ever want to hear after waking up startled them, making them jump in surprise.

"Fortunatly that Hero got defeated" The man spoke.

we failed the mission?

y/n tought, thinking of all the loss their leagion had had, their heart beating faster and faster, and their breathing becoming heavy, but muffled by a cloth in their mouth.

The man wich they had recognized as the Yiga leader hurried the man holding the torch out of the room, and they were left alone.

Kohga was quick to open the cell, making his way to the tied up solider.

he placed one hand on their shoulder, using his other to raise Y/n's chin.

"You are a pretty one" he mumbled, moving around their head to inspect it.

Kohga saw fear in his prisoner's eyes.

"Don't be scared, i won't do anything to you...for now" he giggled a bit, grabbing thier cheeks with his hand and wiggling their head around.

Sweat was dripping down Y/n's forhead as they were scared for their fate.

Was anyone going to rescue them? was this man going to actually do nothing to them?

As their mind was plagued with toughts, the Yiga Leader shifted his mask to reveal his face.

He was weardly handsome, curly beard and mustache circling his chin, and eyes the color of amber.

Y/n found themselves slightly flustered as the man touched their lips with his gloved thumb, leaving a slight banana taste behind.

"I'm sure we'll get along, you and I, sweetheart" he whispered in his prisoner's ear before leaving, closing the cell behind him.

from inside Y/n could hear him speak to someone.

"Have them in my quarters by tomorrow" Y/n was able to make out those words, and a feeling of anxiety and fear washed over them.

"and NOONE but the two of you will be able to see them am i clear!? They're my prize!" He finished the sentence, walking away.

Hi, sorry for the long wait, school's a bitch.
I hope this was all right, i had truble writing it bc it's so far from my view of Kohga, so i'm sorry if it's not what u really asked for, let me know

bye have a good day/night

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