Rauru x Reader pt.2

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requested by nimbasanerd

"Y/n, dear, think of your duties as taken care of for today, you've been working really hard here at the temple, you deserve a break" Sonia's gentle voice reached Y/n, who turned around surprised, and looked at their long time friend with a questioning face.

"but i haven't nearly gotten to the half of the things i have to be doing Sonia, today is certaintly not the day to rest" they giggled,  turning their focus back to whatever chore that they were doing prior.

Sonia gently guided their wrists to have them face her, and with a serious but somehow mischevious expression on her face, she signaled with her head towards a spot behind her, where the unmistakable figure of King Rauru stood, looking around patiently.

"you wouldn't want to let the king  wait, would you dear?" she giggled, amused at the even more confused face of her friend.

"Sonia how- how much of the things i told you about him did you spill?" Y/n asked, panic in their whispers, their e/c eyes wide open.

Sonia only laughed, giving a bright smile afterwards.

"just enough so the two of you could finally meet. oh, i've been waiting for some action, it's all been so still lately, don't you think?" and with that, she made Y/n twirl, so that they were now facing the one and only Rauru, whom, like before, seemed lost in his toughts.

Y/n was tense as Sonia almost pushed them to Rauru, holding them by the shoulders.

that's when teir eyes met.

"Y/n," Rauru begun, slightly tilting his head and hinting a smile, "it's a plesure to finally be able to talk to you" his voice was even better from close.

"w-well, the plesure is all mine, King Ra-"

"please, just call me Rauru, after all it was me who asked to meet in the first place," he closed his eyes and giggled, "altough i have to thank Sonia troughly", the woman only gave a breathy giggle, waving goodbye and moving away to leave the two alone.

silence fell for a moment, when they moth opened their mouths to speak, stopping and giggling after, waiting for who was going to go trough with what they started.

"may i ask, what is it that brought your attention to me? i'm just another priest/priestess in the Temple of Time," Y/n asked, doubts plaguing their mind.

"well," Rauru tought for a moment, "everytime i happen to have a conversation with our friend Sonia, she always slips in some intriguing detail about this friend  of hers, and i couldn't rest my mind untill i got the chance to see and hear your story for myself" he told, his tone of genuine curiosity.

"so," he begun again, "shall we have a walk trough the gardens? the weather outside is sublime, i wouldn't miss out on it" he smiled, gesturing for the main entrance of the temple, as to have Y/n walk before him.

Y/n could only nod, and as they made their way outside, the rays of the sun shone brigthly on the both of them, and the breeze made their hair gently wave.

as the day went on, the two would share their views and beliefs, often getting lost in talking about everything and anything, even of the more personal and normal stuff, talking about their hobbies and the little things that they admired and liked.

they talked for hours on end, and Rauru knew knew deep down that this could go further than just friendship.

as the day came to an end, Y/n found themselves quivering in exitement, the amout of time spent with someone they could have only admired from afar and that took a day just to be with them filling them entirely, and as soon as Sonia came to view, they launche themselves at her.

gripping her shoulders tightly and whisper shouting, "Sonia, you got me a date with the literal king of hyrule i will never be able to pay you back" 

Sonia stiffled a laugh, and a more mischevious smile crossed her face, "oh, you will repay me by having me sit front row at your wedding dear".

ight i hope it's not too bad, but at least i published something lmao

also sorry it's really short oppsie

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