Josha + Fallen Angel! Reader

105 2 2

Requested by LenaHummingbird
she/her pronouns


it was a dark and stormy night, a slight mist from the heavy rain covered the plains of Hyrule field, including the insides of Lookout Landing fort.

the Emergency shelter's opening was closed to avoid rain pouring in and ruining the equipment and stock, Purah slept peacefully in her tower-like home, and little Josha stood in front of the large stone tablets put together to create an image she had yet to decipher, and she wasn't gonna let sleep get in the way of her research.

her eyes felt heavy, the cozy light of the oil lamp making her dream of her soft bed and warm covers in that cold night, and altough nothing was going to stop her from going to sleep, there were misteries that had to be solved.

A loud thump could be heard then, waking her wake from her half asleep state.

Josha then moved to the side of the open room, where she could see the entirety of the square inside of the makeshift wooden walls, and sleepily called out.

"who's there? anyone?" no response but a loud groan.

it was then that she lowered her gaze to the stepst right in front of her, where an unidentifiable figure layed face first.

Josha held in a scream, not wanting to alarm the entire lookout landing forces just yet, not before she figured out what was going on.

she carefully bent down to approach the figure, who's breathing seemed to hitch.

'what if they were about to die?' she questioned herself, and altough wary of the stranger, she begun dragging them by their arms up the steps with fatigue, but they managed to get them away from the rain.

for a moment, Josha stood on the opposite side of the room as the person, examining their features.

their face was covered as they were laying on their stomach, but what struck Johsa more were their wings.

they looked unhealthy, in some spots feathers were completly missing, and very different from those of a rito, as they weren't connected to their arms but to their back.

she took a shaky breath before inching closer very slowly, and then she crouched to poke the person's head, whom responded with a grunt.

Josha could barely see small horns the color of stone coming out of the person's forhead, and she shrieked and fell back, whispering, "a-a fallen angel...".

'I can't believe it! I tought they were only miths...' she tought, almost unable to believe her own eyes.

At the same time the being groaned and mumbled nonsense, almost annoyed, but surely in pain.

Josha took yet another deep breath, and got closer to the laying figure once again.

"Umm..." she begun, "are you all right?" She asked, and the person seemed to react to her words.

Their wings slightly twitched, and so did their hands and arms, sprawled on their sides.

Josha tought again, and decided she was going to lay out her futon here for that strange being, just to see where it went.

And so she did.

She prepared the warm sheets just beside the person, and after a moment she made them roll onto it, their wings in the way. Hopefully she didn't hurt them more.

As soon as the person was comfortably placed on the bed, Josha had gained acces to their face.

They had seemeingly soft features, and their face, altough bruised and dirty from the brutal landing, was facinating.

At the base of the little horns that sprouted on their forhead, black-ish veins expanded to their closed eyelids, stopping just atop their cheeckbones and fadong into a more natural color.

They seemed to be on their twenties, but Josha couldn't really put a finger on it, as angels were known to be eternal creatures.

It was when Josha's face was hovering above the angel's that they opened their eyes. Their all black eyes.

Josha screeched, retracting, and so did the angel, getting up and scooting away.

The two stayed in the two opposite sides of the room in silence, looking each other in the eyes and breathing heavily, the angel almost shielding themselves with their beaten up-looking wings.

It was when they realized the kid in front of them was just as scared that they lowered their guard and scratched the side of their head with their bird-looking hands, which veins had the same effect of those on their forhead.

"Hello...?" They spoke, their voice a bit raspy and confused, as they waved softly at the girl opposit of them.

Josha's breathing calmed, and so did she, as she waved back.

"Hi, umm...who are you and how exactly did you get here?" She questioned, still sitting where she had run off to.

The person seemed a bit lost at the question, and opened their mouth to talk, revealing the set of pointy teeth to Josha, but soon closed it as if they didn't remember what they were going to say, and stayed silent a moment more.

"I think my name is Y/n...i'm- i was an angel" they spoke, sparking new curiosity in Josha.

"Well, my name is Josha, you are currently in Lookout landing in the lands of Hyrule," she begun, all that fear from before vanishing in a cloud of smoke, "now let's do it this way," she got up and inched closer to Y/n, who tightly held the covers that were layed on them, "i tell you something about me and you tell me something about you, easy enough?" She asked, now really close to the angel, who just nodded rapidly.

"So, as i said i'm Josha, leader of the research of the newly formed chasms all across the land, and expert in the dephts below," she begun, making little hand gestures to go with her story.

"Well...i'm Y/n and i don't entirely know how i got here...oh no wait now i remember" they said almost sarcastically.

"I had some problems with the goddes up there...something about not giving mortals power in excange of wealth" they almost muttered in an annoyed tone.

"The big four told me i'm bound to become a statue eventually" they laughed, stretching out their wings and gronaning in pain.

Josha stayed with her mouth open for a while.

"YOU HAVE BEEF WITH THE GODDES HYLIA AND ALL THREE OF THE OMNIPOTENT GOLDEN GODDESES???" She almost yelled, and Y/n shushed her waving their hands in front of their face.

"No need to worry about that, i'm sure now that they banished me i'm all good to go" they said, wincing in pain as they tried to lean their back and wings on the wall behind them.

"What to do with you..." Josha whispered, walking around the small space scratching her chin.

"Oh hey there" she heard Y/n speak and turned around.

The fallen angel looked at her in confusion.

"Not you, him" and they pointed to the barganer statue inbedded in the ground.

Josha was once again lesft speechless.

"YOU CAN TALK TO THAT THING???" She yelled again, and Y/n gave a hearty laugh.

"Kid, there is a lot of stuff i can tell you the secrets of...if you'll let me," they smiled smugly, " but for a price" they held out their hand for Josha to shake, but she crossed her arms and pouted.

"As if. We are gonna have a talk with Purah tomorrow, and, after all, we will be taking care of you, so that should be enough of a payment!" She matched the smug energy of the angel, who smiled.

"I like your attitude, kid"

Ok it's late so it's probably not the best but OMG THANK YOU FOR 20 THOUSAND VIEWS WHAT IT'S INSANE
Have a great day/night you wonderful people :)


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