Zelda x Reader

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Requested by shaylen_LMY

She/her reader

Zelda looked at the imponent frame of Hyrule castle, the orange light of the sunset making the whole place look pictoresque, but her mind was way to hazed to bask in the beautiful scenary.

"So many are awaiting my inner power-believing in me" she said, slight remorse and despair in her voice, Impa standing right in front of her, gazing at her with a hurt look on her face.

"This is my last chance" Zelda spoke again, clasping her hands together and looking down at the tiles that formed the path to the entrance of the castle.

Impa tried to cheer her up, "Princess, it'll all work out" she said, a spark of hope and optimism following her words, "Everything will just...align at the Spring of Wisdom".

Zelda looked at her, then her eyes were drawn upwards, where her Father, King Roham stood on a balcony, awaiting their departure.

"Time to head out," she said, "Farewell, Father..."

As her, Impa and Link begun their jurney, they were abruptly taken aback and stopped by the apparition of the wgg-shaped guardian, running full speed towards them, and stumbling on the ground as it reached them.

Zelda was quick to grab him, preventing him to tumble further, and it was then that she noticed the Sheika slate in the guardian's 'mouth'.

"Something must have appened" she muttered, looking over at Impa and at the screen of the turned-off slate.

But when Zelda managed to open it  the ground shook violently, having all three of them crouch to avoid falling.

Particles of purple and black hues begun floating around them and the castle, and Zelda knew way too well what that meant.

"It cannot be!" She shouted, turing to witness the awakening of Calamity Ganon.

She widened her eyes, glossy with preannouncing tears, the black and purple fog encasing all there was in it's path.

Link had his sword drawn, clear distress was in his expression as he and Impa circled Zelda.

"We need to get in there! We must rescue Father- and all those in the castle!" She announced, her voice determined yet filled with fear.

She looked at the slate in her hands, pressing a few buttons to call an SOS to for the champions to activate their divine beasts and redy for battle and then getting up, ready to get into the castle.

That's when a tought struk her mind.

'Y/N! We need to help her!'

Link was quick to lead the way, but he soon halted when hoards of monsters were alredy in the inner courtyards of the castle, a few guardians blocking the way.

"Those guardians...Ganon has taken control over them" Impa spoke, when she realized the implications of it, "The divine beasts! Ganon will take control over them too!" She screamed, allerting Zelda.

The girls hadn't realized the path had been cleared of most monsters by Link's incredible abilities, and they were quick to avoid the feral guardians and reach an inner chamber, where Roham was standing in defence position with many soliders after clearing a wave of monsters, many servants and maids huddled behind them, one of those being Y/n.

When they saw each other Y/n gave a sigh of relief, looking in Zelda's eyes with genuine consolation, happy that she was unharmed, unlike herself.

She had visible bruises on her face, and her hands, which were holding a broom as a weapon, were trembling and filled with cuts.

Zelda also looked at her in her eyes, those eyes she loved to gaze into after long days of praying at the Springs, so gentle and pure...now almost blodshot, glossy, and filled with fear.

Zelda reached her father, who protectivly held his claymore over the both of them, signaling for Link to do the same.

Thats when the cieling crumbled down.

Thre guardians feel trough the hole that had been created, landing in the room they all were in.

Zelda coughed away the dust that had formed from the flaling debrees, looking around desperatly.

Some Knights were cought under the rubble, but she coudln't stay there and do nothing as the guardians begun their rampage.

The surviving knights were alredy on them, slashing those sheika relics as best as they could, the machines almost giving no sign of being weakened.

After a horribly tiring fight, the last Guardian exploded in a cloud of smoke and metallic pieces, and the group could catch a breath.

It was then that Zelda noticed the absence of Y/n in the crowd of volunteers.

She serched desperatly, and her eyes were soon drawn to a pile of rubble that had fell time before.

She coudln't be mistaken even if she wanted to. The earrings she had gifted you visible on your blood-stained face, your eyes barely open and fluttering.

"Y/N!" she screamed as she run to the pile. She could still save you.

Zelda begun trying to move the pieces of stone taht had fallen onto you, rolling those too heavy for her to move, when Link begun helping, and with him Zelda was able to drag your almost limp body away.

"Oh, no no no...Y/n please stay with me..." Zelda cried, her tears falling onto Y/n's clothes.

The girl in her arms was barely breathing, collecting all her strenght to stay awake. She had to do it for Zelda.

As the princess layed a soft kiss on Y/n's forhead, a dim golden light begun to grow from her, a faint triforce forming on the back of her hand.

Zelda gasped, aware that her powers were awakening, but she was way more surpised when Y/n's wounds begun to seal, golden streaks were now where her wounds were.

Y/n coughed loudly, getting up from her laying position, and understanding the situation.

She twisted towards Zelda in amazement, almost launching herself to hug her tight.

"You saved me...and...your powers, oh dear Hylia your powers!" Y/n announced, placing kisses all over Zelda's face, whom was still shoked, but overjoyed nontheless.

"I...i did it..." she muttered, looking down at her hands.

Y/n nodded, brushing her hair gently with her hand.

"I knew you would have done it. You were always consistaint, and now you will save us all" Y/n muttered, latching onto Zelda one more time, this time placing a kiss on her lips.

"Now let's show Ganon who's boss"

Ight this wasnt really good :/
Hopefully you have enjoyed it though

I have one last oneshot to publish before i open requests again so be wary!

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