Sidon x Link x Reader

909 6 4

Requested by Bhna4444

She/Her Reader

(I know the request was smut but it felt kinda uncomfortable to write and i decided to make it lemon instead)

I'll signal where the spicy begins because for a bit it's just romance so you may want to read it idk


Y/n sighed, opening the heavy wooden door to her house in Hateno village.

She shared it with Link, and occasionally Sidon, both her boyfriends, but today it felt empty, on the worst day possible for it to be.

Their 4 year anniversary.

Sidon couln't make it because of the astounding amount of work that was on his shoulders, having just been nominated King of the Zora, after the retirement of his father Dorephan

And Link was also buisy with his duty, Zelda needed to attend a meeting in which Link's presence was of course required to ensure her safety.

After all, what could Y/n, a farmer of Hateno even do about the higher roles of her loved ones?

She couldn't even understand how she got to date the two finest men of the land, she just accepted the need to postpone their celebrations.

As soon as she closed the door behind herself, wiping away some dirt off her working boots beforehand, the Hylian noticed the lit candles on the dinner table and the ones on the stairs that followed suit, leading towards the higher platform where her bed was.

Flower petals adorned the path, and a tear formed in Y/n's eyes as she realized what wonderful surprise awaited her.

She ran atop the flight of stairs, but, there was no one.

Y/n looked around, only to be met with Link's Sheika Slate, on the gallery option.

Y/n took the Ancient device in her hands, gazing at the photos on the screen.

The landscapes of Lanayru, recent photos that made her hear beat uncontrollably from joy and love. The photos kept getting older, but each moment was in Y/n's mind like it was yesterday.

As she gazed at a picture of the three of them, gentle hands sat atop her shoulders.

"Happy anniversay our dear" Sidon's voice whispered in Y/n's hear, a shiver running down her spine, both from the scare that the suddend appearence of her lover caused and from exitement.

Link's hand reached over to her's as she turned to face them, a soft pink hue on her cheeks, and a smile that made the two melt.

Y/n reached for both their necks to lower them and give a kiss to each.

"i-i really tought you couldn't make it..." She said with a trembling voice, wiping away some stray tears that begun flowing out of her eyes.

"Zelda recruited another escort because she remembered herself of what day this was" Link begun explaining, placing a hand on Y/n's cheek and caressing her under her eye, wiping away more teardrops.

"Father was eager to give me a break, after all he is an understanding man"

Sidon continued, playing with Y/n's h/c hair.

There was a moment of comfortable silence, before Y/n seemed to remember something.

"may I give you your gifts?" She asked, getting a surprised gaze from the two males, gmthat looked at each other before smiling at their girlfriend.

They couldn't even give an answer that Y/n was alredy downstairs, openibg a wooden compartment under a drawer and grabbing two smaller velvet boxes, and rushing back up the stairs.

She placed on box in each hand, gesturing for the two to take them.

Sidon was the first to oblige, and once Link had his own, they opened it at the same time.

Their faces were priceless as shiny jewels sprinkled in the low light.

Link had recieved a pair of dangly earrings with sword carvings on the golden plate that formed them, while Sidon's was a silver tiara, with gems of similar colors as his skin that fell from the sides of his head as he quickly took it from the box and wore it.

"oh, Y/n, how toughtful of you! But these must have costed you a fortune! I would have been just as happy with a kiss!" Sidon exclaimed, embracing Y/n close to his body.

Link did the same, placing a soft kiss on her temple.

"we also have a gift for you, our dear" Sidon begun again, leaving Y/n wondering and with a curious face.

She couldn't even begin to think about what it could have been that she was alredy off of the ground, being carried by Link bridal style, while Sidon led the way down the stairs.

He opened the door, the last yellow-orange-ish rays of sun from the sunset blinding Y/n, as she admired the view.

She was brought in the shack behind the house, where the ground bathtub was.

As soon as Sidon opened the door that led inside, the scent of candles and petals made Y/n sigh dreamingly, the warm steam from the hot water in the tub making her want to just jump right in.

"we tought you might have wanted to clean yourself after a long day in the fields, love. So why not have a bath together?" Link said, carefully placing Y/n on the floor.

Y/n's cheeks became bright red.

It wasn't the fist time they had seen each other naked, but it was what usually came after that that made Y/n's mind wonder in places.

She finally collected herself, and answered Link with a firm nod.

from here it kinda gets spicy
⚠️let the cringe begin⚠️

Sidon begun taking off the few silver ornaments across his body, Link and Y/n following suit as they took off their shirst and pants, sometimes gazing shyly at each other.

Y/n was always left mesorized at Link's physique, such a small man with muscle for days.
The said man let his dirty-blonde hair free form the ponytail, making Y/n even more flustered.

Sidon waited for the two in the tub with a sly smile, enjoying the silent flirting of the two Hylians.

as he rested his eyes for a moment, he missed the two getting fully naked and inside the warm water.

Y/n found herself sandwitched between the two, whos bodies were inches from hers.

The water felt amazing on her tired form, as she laid her head on Sidon's chest, slighlty grinding against his lower body, getting a low grunt from the fish man.

Link leaned his chest on Y/n's back, wrapping his arms around her waist.

"it's been a while since we have done this" Link whispered, feeling Y/n's heart beat getting faster and faster.

Link placed a kiss on the crook or Y/n's neck, getting a small whimper from the bashful Hylian.

Sidon giggled at the surprised expression on the farner's face as Link kept peppering her back with kisses, and also joined, placing soft kisses on her temples, chin, forhead and mouth.

Link's hands in the mean time where exploring what they could reach of Y/n's body, making her shiver and let out a soft moan into Sidon's kiss.

Y/n couldn't say she wasn't enjoying that so rare moment, she was glad the two were able to make it, and make that lonlyness disappear by just their warm presence.

They stayed like that for a while, untill the warm water became cold, and they all got out, drying off and going back inside, warming back up in the comfortable bed, all cuddled together.

hope u enjoyed

Reminder that requests are open again

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