Tulin + Artist! Reader

361 10 16

Requested by KaptinKit
they/them reader

Y/n took a deep breath, holding their brush in front of them, horizontaly, to take the mesures of the muntain chain on the horizon, and then scribble on their sketchbook with their charcoal pencil.

They sat on the edge of the main take-off platform of Rito village, thick pants and a fluffy coat protecting them from the cold temperatures, and, even if it looked like a good day, blue skyes with little to no clouds, and the sun as bright as always, it was freezing.

Y/n's concentrated gaze shifted quickly from the paper in their hands to the scenary in front of them, their eyes fixating on every detail.

Time always seemed to stop whenever they were drawing, and sometimes they would get so immersed in it that hours would pass, and they wouldn't even realize.

Y/n squinted their eyes, inching closer to the sheet of paper on their legs, slighly bending forward, towards the drop in front of them, when a high-pitched voice startled them, making them yell in surprise.

"whatch out, traveller, you're really close to falling down!" The voice came from behind the artist, who was quick to whip their head around, only to face a Rito teenager.

Y/n clasped their chest, breathing heavily, still recovering from the scare that child had given them, then, smiled akwardly, scooting away from the edge.

The worry on the Rito's expression faded, and was replaced by a warm smile followed by curious eyes.

"what are you doing traveller?" He asked, before his eyes widened and he shook his head.
"i haven't even introduced myself! I'm Tulin, son of the village elder Teba!" He screamed in exitement, a sparkle in his eyes.

Y/n smiled, fully turning around to face Tulin.

"the name's Y/n, and, i'm drawing a landscape" The artist tiredly said, a smile plastered on their face.

Tulin bounced around for a moment, before getting slightly closer.

"You're an artist? that's amazing! You must be really talented" he said, his tone genuine.

Y/n chuchkled at the compliment, thanking the young Rito.

"can i watch you draw? or am i disturbing you, Y/n?" The curious Rito asked, tilting his head.

Y/n was left surprised, usually kids would just say 'bye' and run off to play and forget about their existance, but this one was somewhat interested?

They stayed silent for a moment, before shaking their head and getting out of their toughts and scoot a bit to the side, for the Rito to sit beside them.

"sure, but it's a bit boring to watch" Y/n giggled, and the Rito's eyes sparkeld with joy.

As Tulin sat beside Y/n he thanked them, and his eyes were now following the pencil in Y/n's hand, sometimes shifting to look at their face, just to giggle at the strange expressions that the artist would unconciously make.

"is doing art your job Y/n?" Tulin then asked out of the blue.

"I wish i could live off of it, but unfortunatly it's not the most requested job in the land" Y/n laughed, but the tint of sorrow in their voice was evident.

Tulin saddend, his feet not wiggling from te edge anymore.

"it's really sad..." he commented, his tone genuinly worried.

Y/n smiled, and softly patted his head.

"what matters is that i can keep doing the things that i love, even if my life dosn't revolve around them. Let's look at it like that" They looked over at the horizon, then back at Tulin.

"what do you like to do?" Y/n asked, trying to lighten the mood of that pooor Rito boy.

he tought for a moment, brushing his chin with his fethered fingers.

"i like to protect and help people" he said, his voice gaining pride and becoming more alive as he made his hands into fists and held them in front of himself, exited.

then he drammatically sighed, placing his elbows on his legs and holding his head on his hands.

"but dad never lets me go on the most important missions...but he's always saying i'm better than he was at my age! I just don't get him sometimes!" He raised his voice a little, gesticulating and rasing his arms above his head.

"Well, i'm sure he'd trust you on such missions, it's just that there is no need for you to help. There are many Rito warriors all twice your age and full of expirience that can be tasked with those things. You're a young lad, you should be enjoying youth" Y/n answered, looking over the horizon and then back at Tulin.

His eyes widened and wondered over the landscape.

"...maybe you're right...you have such words of wisdom, and you're also really young! It must be your speciality!" Tulin exclamed amazed, and Y/n laughed, their eyes turing back to the landscapes they were drawing.

"No, no it's not my gift, really. I just had the same thing told to me" as they spoke, a hint of nostalgia tainted their voice, and they remained with their eyes fixated on the falling sun, Tulin doing the same.

nice i'm slowly getting back on track les gooo

remember requests are open and scenarios (headcanons) are a thing if u wanna request them
good day/night

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