Magda x Yiga!Reader

272 2 18

Requested by LenaHummingbird

he/him reader



"Another day with my beautiful flowers, hello loves!" The lady chirped, placing her gardening tools under the tree beside her.

She sighed with a smile on her face.
a perfect day, no clouds in the sky, a gentle breeze and..."MY FLOWERS!" she yelled, furious and scared at the same time.

And unknown person was laying on her perfect flower patches, trampling them and hurting them in the doing.

she ran towards the person, steam coming from her ears and her face a red hue from frustration.

"I can't believe it! The firts thing you do when you see a BEAUTIFUL FLOWER GARDEN is LAY ON IT? WHAT KIND OF SIKO ARE You...?" she lowered her voice as a way more horrible sight than her hard work destroied cought her eyes.

Blood. A ton of blood that stained the pretty flowers.

she took a deep shaky breath before mumbling an apology and carefully walking towards the person, being careful not to hurt the flowers herself.

She couldn't deny to herself that the person in the middle of the garden just before the Shrine was indeed a Yiga member, but she couldn't just leave them there, on her flowers for all.

"umm...h-hello? stranger?" She asked, slight fear and regret in her voice.

all that she got from the probably man was a long grunt.

at least he was alive.

"can you move?" She asked again, lowering herself beside the hurt figure.

"t-that damned H-Hero..." the person said annoyed, with a string of voice.

Magda huffed, not really knowing what to do. She didn't have any medication with her, nor she was sure she wanted to help a Yiga.

She tought for a moment, then she took yet another deep breath, held the furthest limb of her skirt and ripped it along the edge.

she lowered herself again, trying to figure out how to tie the 'bandage'.

"Where is your wound, stranger?" She asked, looking all around the man, seemengly unharmed.

"back" was the only thing he could say, before painfully trying to turn himself around.

"no no no, stay put. I'm going to help you" Magda scolded him, gently raising him and strting to tie the bandage around his thin torso.

"why w-would you help a Yiga scum..." the man asked with that same whispering voice and a hint of shame.

"Because you are a living being. You would work as compost for my flowers as dead, but i figured that you'd re-pay me after i saved your life" She answered, focused on tieing a knot once she was done with the bandage wrapping.

"how can i re-pay you, exactly" The Yiga questioned, tired from the fight he had just lost against the Hero.

"oh, i'm gonna give you to the Hyrulean authorities for a good prize" she smiked.

The Yiga's breathing became faster and faster. He had heard of the horrible things that some of his companions had gone thru once captured, all information given by undercover Footsoliders.

Magda tried to stop herself, but failed, and erupted in laughter.

The man was shoked.

"W-WHAT'S THERE TO LAUGH ABOUT LADY?!" He shouted, a great pain engulfing him becouse of the wound.

"I'm gonna get tortured and never see my friends again!" He kept shouting as real fear started to creep over him, sweat forming underneath his mask.

"you believed me?" Magda kept laughing, leaving the Yiga extremly shaken.

"I'wouldn't do such a thing! You owe my flowers an excuse, and will re-pay me by planting and caring for them like i will care for you while you recover" she explained.

The man felt relief.

"so, what's your name, ya wimp?" She giggled, waiting for an answer.

"it's Y/n..." he spoke, the adrenaline from the fight washing out and an extreme want to sleep getting him, together with the pain from different bruises along his body.

"I'm Magda!" She chirped, getting up from the ground and doing twirling on herself.

"And these are my flowers, Audrey, Denise, Giulia, Hanna..." as she gave the names she pointed at the respective flowers, gaining a soft giggle from the wounded man.


would have never tought about writing a Magda fanfic in all my life but there  it is????

I hope you enjoied, have a good day/night

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