Hilyan! Revali x Rito! Reader

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Requested by Raiden-shogun-ei
Nonbinary reader

Y/n is a bearded volture inspired Rito

Y/n is a bearded volture inspired Rito

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drawing by me :)

drawing by me :)

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A draft of wind made dust and leaves fly upwards and spread all over the training ground as the Rito took off, bow in their claws.

Y/n eyed the targets one by one while they flew in circles.
they stopped mid air, throwing their bow upwards to catch it with their winged arms.
They aimed with millimetrical precision, then, the first arrow sliced the air. Then the second was cocked and trown, then a third.

Bullseye. Bullseye. Bullsye.

The wooden panels where the target marks once were, were on the ground, shattered.

As Y/n landed roughly on the dirt, a slow clapping could be heard.

"impressive" a cocky and sassy voice announced.

Y/n didn't need to turn around to understand who the man was.

"Revali, i told you not to interrupt me"
They sighed, rolling their eyes and turing their head towards the short man peppered with vitiligo marks.

He scoffed, throwing his long blue-ish and white hair away from his face, where the wind had moved them.

he crossed his arms behind his back, after looking Y/n straight in their blood red eyes.
"i tought you might have riconsidered" he said, inspecting his fingernails.
Small jade rings hugged his fingers, as well as droopy jade and ruby earrings on his pointy ears.

Y/n was never fond of Revali, but the way he presented himself, his posture and his elegance had had a weird impact on them.

Still, he was a rude, egoistical piece of shit.

Y/n could only sigh, fix their bow on their shoulders, and cross their arms.

"i tought i was clear when i told you to come back after you fixed your demeanor" they cocked their head.
"but it dosn't look like you changed at all".

Revali's face contorted in an annoyed grin, his hands moving on his hips, then he put his right hand on his chest.

"You know, I, the great Revali was chosen to fend off Calamity Ganon, you should be honored, if not obligated to teach me" The man spoke, his tone making Y/n's feathers ruffle in annoyance.

"I tought you were an adult, not a capricious kid" Y/n groaned, talking to themselves and dragging their feathered hand on their face.

"Excuse me!?" He gasped in surprise at Y/n's muffled words.

"How dare you-"  he was shushed by Y/n getting extremly close to him, their beak downwards, their creepy yet amusing eyes wide open, looking down on Revali, who was feeling intimidated...and bashful.

"Tell me why i shouldn't strike an arrow between your eyes" Y/n wispered to him.

Revali gulped, a smal drop of sweat forming on his forhead.

Y/n stiffled a chukle, before bursting in a hearty laugh, a contagious one for all.

Revali was left cofused and shoked from the threat, but he couldn't help but feel something new.

His closeness to the Rito opened a strange feeling in his heart, and in the space that was all for himself, a hole for Y/n was born.

"Prove to me you're worth training" Y/n challenged with their cocky voice, walking away from Revali, grabbing their bow from behind their shoulders and throwing it in the direction of the Hylian archer.

He catched it pretty swiftly, stretching the bow's string a few times before taking an arrow from hus quiver with a smooth hand motion, and aiming at the furthest of targets.

in a few seconds the arrow was in the air, and even faster it was in the center of the target, right in the middle.

Y/n was pretty impressed, they coudn't lie to themselves.

The way Revali held the bow, his quik reflex and the precision of his aim were impecable, and Y/n was amazed.

So amazed that they missed the other four arrows shot by the archer at such an incredible pace. All bullseyes.

Revali scoffed, walking towards an open-mouthed Y/n.
"I'll see you tomorrow for training then" he chukled, handing Y/n their bow back and winking, just before turning around and exiting the training ground.

"You--" Y/n was spechless and red from embarassment.

"That fucking Hylian" they tought as his wink replayed in their mind.


I hope you enjoyed :) good day/night everybody

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