Master Kohga x Shy! Hylian! Reader part 3

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Requested by myself bc yes i had an idea

also i love the ship and i hope wattpad saves the drawings i made of them

"How about this one, Zelda?" Y/n asked, searching the approval of the young adult, who, upon a thru and thru inspection gave two thumbs up with a smile.

Y/n sighed, admiring herslef in the mirror once more.

Then she sat down on a stool covered in red velvet, placing her elbows on her knees and laying her head on her hands.

"are you nervous?" Zelda asked, sitting in front of her.

"i don't know why i am" Y/n started.
"last time we saw each other it was such a lovely day, it didn't even feel akward at all!" She exclaimed with a dreamy voice.

"I'm sure today will go just as well, if not even better" Sooga reassured the older man who was pacing around his quarters aimlessly, clearly in distress.

"But Sooga, we'll be out in CastleTown and- ya know- i'm gonna get stares! SHE's gonna get stares!" Kohga exclaimed, putting on the last pieces of jewellery for his date.

"You just need to focus on having fun, sir" the lackey said in a calm voice.

"...also" Kohga started, "what if- what if she dosn't like my face...?" He asked, doubt and nervousness in his voice.

"Master Kohga, if there's something that i understood of Lady Y/n is that she dosn't judge others by appearence. She's a kind woman, and, you are the Great Kohga after all" Sooga tried reassuring the man, who seemed to brighten up at his words.

"Yeah! I'm the one and only!" He exclaimed, puffing his curly, black hair with his hands and doing finger guns in his mirror.

"Great! ready to go then?" Zelda asked, as Y/n seemed more tranquill than before.

"yes, yes i'm ready" Y/n said with joy, standing up and brushing the folds of her skirt away.

"Have a nice day at the fair then!" The girl said smiling and clasping her hands together.

Y/n thanked her, and with a bow, she was out of Zelda's quarters and down the stairs, and finally, outside.

The streets were filled with people of all kinds. There were Hylians, Sheika, Rito, a few Gorons here and there and even Gerudo.

Will you meet me at the funtain in the main square on the day of the fair?

Those lines written in ink were stamped in Kohga's mind, as him and Sooga teleported to CastleTown.

Y/n looked around, trying not to bump into the people in the crowd as she made her way to the funtain that was their meeting point.

Once there, she sat on it's edge, listening to the gushing water behind her mixed with loud chatter.

"That's a big crowd" Kohga mumbled, as him and Sooga turned the corner from an halleyway they had teleported to.

He proudly walked towards the clearly visible funtain, noticing here and there some people with wide eyes and some who moved from his path in a hurry.

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