Magda x Yiga!Reader part 2

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Requested by LenaHummingbird

He/Him reader


It was a wonderful day, one of those where you couldn't stay inside your home.

The sun was warm but not hot, some clouds ran by and a gentle breeze accomoanied them.

"Y/n, i've been meaning to ask you something" Magda interrupted the gardening work the Yiga was practicing, humming in surprise.

Magda crouched beside him looking at the flower he was planting.

"why don't you take your mask off? Like never" She questioned, tilting her head.

Y/n was lost in tought and a bit of anxiety took over him.

"Tradition i guess" he responded nervously and with a string of voice, hoping to satiate Magda's will of knowledge.

"we've known each other for months now, will you ever show me your face?" She kept the question going.

"what are you, ugly??"she laughed

Y/n couldn't help but feel annoyed.

he was used to the curiosity and the perstintance of his friend, but that was something else, it hit too deep in his personal space.

he scoffed and kept working on the flower, making sure all the roots were under the dirt and no petals got ruined.

Magda was left speechless.

She tought that he would have laughed like always, maybe said something like 'have you seen yourself' or any sassy answer, but she was left with nothing.

"Aren't you free from the Yiga Clan now? Why can't you just leave them behind?" She asked, now notacibly more serious.

"it's not that simple. You don't want to know what they did and still do to deserters" he gave a stiffle laugh, his body tensing at the horrid images he had witnessed as a child.

"for now let's hope they keep thinking i'm dead" he said that as it was nothing, without looking at Magda once.

"but, wouldn't it be easyer to hide without the mask?" Magda said.

"it would, yes, but there's a chanse that they'd think i'm still faithfull to the clan if i don't take it off" as he talked he gestured in front of him with the small shovel he used to plant the flower, now watered and resting in the soft ground.

"so, i'm not taking that risk...for that and other stuff" he whispered the last bit as he got up, hoping his out loud thinking didn't reach the curious lady.

Magda wasn't content with his answer.
She cared for her friend, a lot too, and this whole situation could have ended badly, for him and for her as well.

"Why don't you just start anew? why would they after months decide to come looking for you all of a sudden?"

she also got up, following him around the flower maze, getting to the entrance of the shrine and sitting down.

"Please, Magda, i don't want to talk about this anymore" Y/n's voice was shaky, fearful and angry.

She rolled her eyes, exaled in annoyance and sat down.

Y/n was taking off his working gloves and reaching for the leather bag in the shade of the Shrine.

from it he took out two small paper packagings, handing one to Magda without a word.

He unwrapped it to reveal the sandwich inside, and carefully shifted his mask away from his mouth.

Magda carefully took her attention to his chin and the lowest part of his nose.

"Magda, you're so gonna regret whatever it is you are thinking of doing" Y/n giggled, barely noticing the hint of malice in Magda's eyes.

"oh, trust me, i know" and with that, she snached the mask off of Y/n's face with no hesitation.

the man was quik to make his lunch fall in the dirt and cover his face with his hands.

"Magda! What in Hylia's name?! Have you gotten more insane?!" He yelled, pure pain in his voice as he tried to reach for his mask, held over Magda's head by herself.

He couddn't reach it without looking at it.

He sighed, and his breathing trembled.

he flopped down on the shrine floor, soft sobs coming from him.

Magda's heart dropped.

'What have i done?' She questioned herself, lowering the wooden mask and holding it with both hands.

Suddently, Y/n's hand slid off of his face, and positioned between his crossed legs.

he slowly turned his head to Magda, who's face was contorted in a shameful expression.

"are you satisfied now?" The Yiga spoke softly.

His face was covered in small cuts, his hooked nose patially missing with the rest of the left side of his face, a deep red and purplish color. It was a burn scar.

His e/c right eye was glossy and a big tear slid on his chin.

The mask held by Magda hit the ground with a thud, and she reamined open mothed at the sight.

"i'm a monster" The Yiga spoke again.

"I saved most of them and how do they repay me? by leaving me to rot.
You lose a limb and you're a hero, you lose your face and you are disgusting, and no one should see that because it makes you weak" he whimered, grabbing the mask from the ground and intensly looking at it.

Suddently, he felt a warm hug embrace him.

"I'm so sorry you had that said to you" Magda was crying.

"i'm sorry i kept pushing it! Will you ever forgive me, Y/n?" She kept crying and apologizing holding her friend tight, feeling relief when he hugged her back.

" it's ok..." he hushed her, patting her on her head.

they parted, and when they did, Y/n got up, aimed and...the mask was long gone in the waters surrounding the Shrine island.

Magda was left speechless once again.

"it's not you who has to ask for forgivness, Magda" he started, looking at the wooden object being ingulfed by the deep waters.

"It's them"


Ok i didn't expect it to be this nice!

have a good day night, remember to leave a comment and maybe a vote!

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