Revali x Rekless! Caring! Reader

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Requested by runningpooper

Nonbinary reader

Since we are close to S. Valentine it takes place during it


Saint Valentine, huh?
A pretty boring celebration for those who only love themselves.
Fortunatly, a young Hylian had conquered that egoistical bird's heart, so much that the other champions struggled to recognize him the first day they met after he and Y/n had become a cuple.

Revali, a man full of himself, with a Hylian who only cared about others, funny isn't it?

The day that celebrated love, and also their aniversary, having shared their love that same day a year before, was coming up, and the unprepared cuple was...struggling?

Revali never, and i say never, would have tought of being in a relationship.
He was "Too busy being the best archer in all of Hyrule", he had never made a gift for anyone before, let alone a partner.

Y/n was really struggling.
Going up and down, back and forth to find a rare type of Stone Talus, to get an even rarer gemstone.
They knew from the beginning that the way to that man's heart was thru big accomplishments, this had to be perfect.

And finally, there it was. A seemingly normal boulder in the middle of absolutley nowhere.

As they silently approached the hidden foe, a rush of adrenaline shook their body.

"Has anyone seen Y/n?" Revali asked around Rito village.
It was a sight.
The proudest rito in all the land looking worried and on edge, but also well dressed and put toghether more than he always was.

unfortunatly, no one had any idea of were the reckless Hylian had gone off to.
'oh for goddes Hylia's sake!' Revali tought as he went back to his and Y/n's room (i have no idea wht the hell are those houses the Rito live in)
"they have to have left a note at least" he tought outloud, with that usual sassy tone of his.

As he scrambled his and Y/n's equipment around he noticed a few things.
First, their fighting gear was nowhere to be found, and second, the most terryfiying.
prints and books of 'vicious monsters'.
Revali's heart skipped a beat as a map with a red circle fell from the pile of information Y/n had gathered.

"They are going to get themselves killed!" He exclaimed as he looked one last time at the position on the map and taken his bow and arrows, took off.

"I could have given him some flowers, chocolate and a kiss but here i am" Y/n moaned as they wrapped their bruised arm in some bandages, hissing for the pain.
they managed to obtain what they needed, but that Talus could have left them unconcious or even killed because of smaller rocks it threw aiming at their head.

They did manage to not get hit in the head, but for the rest of their body it was a different story.
bruises, probably a broken finger or more, and things they still had to find out about.

thankfully, Revali had them partecipate in bow and arrow training.

They sighed and looked at the beautiful gem, shining in the light of the sunset, the pain seemingly weakening.
It had been worth it after all.

Suddently, a familliar whistling in the air, like an arrow cutting the wind, made Y/n lift their head.

"What where you thinking!" And there he was.
"My knight in shining armor, hello Revali"
as he landed, his feathers ruffled, mostly from anger, but a bit for the flustering nickname.
"our first Saint Valentine as a cuple and you almost get killed!" he now had something else in his voice.
A new kind of worry, he was actually scared of losing them.

the first to break his walls and see what really was in him.

he ran towards Y/n, and hugged them tight.
"please don't scare me like that ever agin- you- reckless mess" he whispered, his voice preannouncing tears.

Y/n felt their heart drop. It wasnt easy for Revali to show this much care, and they knew it way too well.
"i'm sorry...i really wanted to make this day special, but i think i ruined everything" Y/n spoke in the crook of Revali's neck, playing with his braids.
"You would have ruined it if you didn't survive, i'm just glad you're safe now" he  said softly, breaking the hug.

"what did that Talus have anything to do with Saint Valentine-" he was interrupted by Y/n's hand over his face, holding close to his eyes the gem.
"I needed this, for you" Revali was stunned. His eyes widened as Y/n left the crystal in his fethery hands.
"I wanted it to be special, you know? Everyone can buy a diamond nowdays, but this is something else".
Revali couldn't help but let a tear slide out of his watery eyes.

"you are that something else i needed"


Yes you are seeing this, two chapters in one day.
it may be shit but it's done.
Cya next time

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