Zelda x Reader

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Requested by runningpooper

she/her reader

Zelda had seemingly been enjoying her afternoon out in the castle gardens.

She looked more peaceful than most other times, where her duty would stress her to the point of exaustion, but today was different.

She had found a moment in which she could bask in the rays of sunshine, sitting on a bench surrounded by blooming flowers and buzzing bees, closing her eyes to hear the birds singing from the treetops.

but in her mind doubts were plauguing her still, like her brain and toughts didn't want to leave her a moment alone.

It had been months since she started dating the knight in charge of ensuring her safety on the castle grounds, Y/n, and fear of being caught was omnipresent.

Zelda knew Link was aware of thier situation, and Zelda trusted him with this information, as she did with Urbosa, whom advised her to leave this relationship behind for now, as much as it pained her to see Zelda like that, they were both aware of the great risk the cuple was going towards.

Should i really leave her?

How will i be able to ever look her in the eyes again if i do?

Zelda often found herself thinking this, a great pain filling her heart at just the images of Y/n's reaction.

"Princess Zelda" A voice took her out of her trance, and shaking herself awake, she looked up at the perosn in front of her.

"Y/n?" Her voice cracked as she was surprised to see her.

"Please have me know where you are off to before dashing away" Y/n softly smiled, sitting beside Zelda on the bench.

Their eyes were locked on one another as the sun cast beautiful shadows and lights on them.

But Zelda looked away, looking rather...ashamed?

"is...something plaguing you dear- Princess?" Y/n corrected herself.

"I..." Zelda begun, her voice shaky, amd her gaze low on the ground under her feet.

"Are you not scared they'd find out about us?" She started, her eyes glossy and her voice soft, full of fear.

Y/n's heart felt like disintegrating, but she held on.

"I rarely think about it, and, as long as we are happy, what matters, Princess?"

All Y/n had in response was silence. A heavy, akward silence.

"...are you not happy, Zelda?" She whispered, pain in her voice.

The princess was to ashamed to look at her in the eyes.

"I...I understand. I'll be at the entrance waiting for you" Y/n fastly got up, and walked wihout looking back.

Zelda raised her head, looking at that figure she loved so much walk away because of her.

"Y/n wait!" She screamed.

The knight stopped in her tracks, barely twisting her head to look back at her.

"I didn't mean it- please stay here with me" Zelda whispered in the brink of tears.

The knight took a shaky breath, before walking back to her lover on the bench.

The silence was soffocating, the beautiful day had shifted from spring to chilly winter in an istant, as Zelda tried to find the words to apologize.

"I'm scared Y/n...i'm scared for the both of us-"

"but nothing has happend yet. Why fear something that might never come?" Y/n interrupted her, crunching her hands into fists, laying them on her thighs.

"i know but- think about the risk this is putting us in! You could lose your job and i could lose my face! This kingdom dosn't need a falioure of a princess" Zelda said more loudly this time, gaining a soft glare from Y/n.

"Zelda stop saying that about youself" She felt pity for her dear princess, and scooted closer to her.

as she talked, Y/n ran her fingers thru Zelda's hair.

"I'm sorry for before" She said looking down at her blue dress, visibly shaken and shameful.

Y/n sighed, placing her arms around Zelda's shoulders.

they stayed hugged together for a while, in which Zelda's stears stained Y/n clothes, but she didn't care.

The only thing she wanted was to be with her, no matter the situation.

Once they parted from the hug, Y/n got up, holding her arm up for zelda to interwine hers.

"Care for a stroll around the gardens, mi lady?" She asked, a soft smirk on her face.

Zelda sniffled a bit, before smiling back at her.

"Yes, yes absolutley" she responded, wiping the last tears from her eyes beofre standing up.

the rest of the day passed by beautifully.

the two were deeply in love, and understood how nothing could separate them, no matter the circumstance.

Whatever battle was ahead, they were coming out of it alive, and together.

hi hello yes two oneshots in one day quantity over quality because i am mentally disintegrated rn

hope u enjoyed, leave a comment, a vote or anything u want byee

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