Impa x Mercenary! Reader

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Requested by Thegreatestofjinxers
He/him reader

Y/n calmly scanned the pages of the newspaper he had in hand, lingering his gaze on the very few images and photos, puffing as there were no interesting news so far, only the disaster the foretold arrival of the Calamity was bringing.

He heard some noise at the front desk of the stable he was in, and, lowering the hem of the newspaper he took a look at what was going on.

A sheika girl wearing a comically large traditional hat was insistantly asking questions to the stablekeeper, who always responded with "it's stable policy, i can't tell you what you're asking for".

Y/n just scoffed and went back to reading, when the sheika lady shouted "i have ORDERS FROM THE PRINCESS is that not enough??", and she pulled out a fancy looking piece of paper, and, pointing at it she read the lines, "It is Princess Zelda's orders that the innkeeper gives the Royal Advisor Impa" she stopped to point at herself, then kept going, "the information she asks reguarding the Mercenary Y/n and his whereabouts".

Y/n widened his eyes, hiding his face back in the newspaper, keeping it way closer than he should, knowing that now the stablekeeper had to point him out to the Sheika girl, and thats what he did.

The girl was right in front of him, and she coughed loudly, trying to catch his attention, but he ignored her, faking reading the newspaper in his hands.

Impa got closer, coughing even louder, but Y/n staied focused on the news, hoping she would eventually give up, but she didn't, instead, she grabbed the upper edge of the paper, dragging it down, and met Y/n's akward gaze.

"Rude" Y/n mumbled, folding the newspaper and leaving it on the small table beside him, crossing his arms.

"I was Rude? You ignored me when i was clearly trying to get your attention!" She spat, clear annoyance and anger in her voice.

Y/n smiled slyly, "well, since you know my name you could have used that instead of acting entitled to my attention" he crossed his legs, chuckling when Impa's face contorted in a grimace, getting a red hue all over.

"Just get to the point, Royal Advisor" Y/n added, laying back on his chair, huffing loudly and muttering curses under his breath.

Impa cleared her throat, straightrning her posture, "Princess Zelda requires your and your legion's help to defend the kingdom from Calamity Ganon's arrival" she said, her tone serious yet preoccupied.

Y/n looked at Impa dead in the eyes, leaning forward interwining his fingers,"i don't need to know that, just how much do we get for it?" Y/n answered, leaving Impa standing akwardly, unsure of what to say next.

"Well, the princess hoped that you'd understand the truble that you, along with your legion and all the people of hyrule will face if we don't strike back all togeth-"

"No can do lady, i'm a mercenary, ask the hyrule army if you're so desperate to get free work" Y/n laughed, leaning back again in the chair and placing his fingers on his chin, "altough, i could lower the price for a fair lady like yourself" he smirked, getting up and walking past Impa, who didn't get time to react to the man's advances that he was alredy outside the stable.

"EXCUSE ME?? WE WERE TALKING!" Impa ran after him, disappering in a cloud of smoke and papers, reappearing inches from the man's face, making him halt and give a surprised shriek.

"And I was the rude one!" She half yelled, crossing her arms and preventing the man from walking away by moving along woth him as he swayed left and right.

"All right! We can reach an agreement but i will be demanding a rewards to the princess herself after that!" Y/n yelled back, furrowing his brows, looking straight in Impa's eyes.

She smirked, putting her hand out for him to shake, "remember the discount for the fair lady like myself" she snikered, as Y/n annoyedly shook her hand, huffing louldy.

Sorry it's really short but it's a bit difficuilt when you request things without a plot but i hope you enjoyed notheless

Thank you for the 25k views :D

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