Trans MfF! Astor x Yiga! Reader

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Gender neutral reader

i never wrote a transgender character so it might suck sorry

requested by Itz_Echo_


The Yiga streched, waking up from the Futon in one of the dormitories of the Hideout.

most of the others were still asleep, so, silently dodgning their sleeping forms and the different articles of clothing on the ground, from masks to boxers, Y/n got out. jeez that place was a mess, and it also reeked of...anything, really. Food, mold, sweat you name it.

Y/n took a deep breath, the air of the hallways was always the same one of burning torches and closed spaces.

As they walked towards their girlfriend's room, Y/n greeted the Blademasters on guard shift.

"Up early as always," one muttered, tossing a leftover banana in Y/n's hands. they swiftly caught it, dramatically bowing and nodding 'yes'.

They carefully peeled it, raising their mask to take a bite.

Just in front of Astor's room, Y/n stopped on their tracks. Small sniffles came from inside.

they knocked, and the sounds became loud shuffling and what sounded like stepping in different directions.

"It's Y/n" they said, leaning on the door. The shuffling stopped, then, the door made a 'click' sound. it was now unlocked.

Y/n carefully opened it, slid inside, and closed it behind themselves.

The sight was exactly what they tought.

Astor trying to wipe away as many tears as possible, sat on the cushions that served as a sofa, looking down in shame.

the sight wasn't surely new, but it always made Y/n's heart shatter.

they quickly walked over to Astor, who had bags under her eyes worse than ever.

Y/n crouched, lifted her and sat, placing her on their lap.

they hugged her close, lifting their mask all the way to place a kiss on Astor's temple.

As Y/n played with Astor's dark locks, she cuddled close to her partner's chest.

"Ganon must be reconsidering His choises" Her voice raspy from the crying.

"I can't even live with my own body how am i supposed to-" she was cut off by a new row of tears.

Y/n could only hug her closer, leaving trails of kisses on her face, rubbing a hand on her back.

"you don't have to meet anyone's expectations, you should only be caring about yourself" The Yiga said, their hands meeting Astors's.

"What would your leader even think of me...he alredy has all the reasons to hate me, this would only get me killed..."She closed her eyes, leaning in the crook of Y/n's neck.

"umh... Master Kohga is pretty caring about us, so, if he knew what you are going trough he might be more compassionate...but that's just how i see it, it might not be safe for you" The Yiga laid back on the cushions, bringing their girlfriend with them.

The sobs came to a halt soon after, and they were replaced by a calm sleep.

Y/n looked at Astor's features, before kissing her forhead. "Sleep well, my beautiful".


i hope you liked this :)

remember u r valid and matter a lot

stay safe drink water and take care of yourselves!!!

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