Link x Reader

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Requested by I_am_a_ded_f1sh
They/them reader

⚠️Mentions of attempted suicide

After another night spent in the company of the champions and the princess of hyrule herself, Link and their partner Y/n were walking back to their own quarters situated in a futher wing of the castle, the red and golden carpet and the light of the chandeliers and torches on the cieling and walls accompanying them, along with some servants and knights who would aknowledge them with a head nod as they passed by.

Silence was between them, but it was a different one for each.

Link silence was weightless, calm, the evening's events weren't taking too much of his energy anymore, and he felt more relaxed.

Y/n's kind was completly different. They could hear the fast pounding of their heart echo through the hallways, all the voices, comments, commands of this and the prior working days weighting in their mind, making them sligtly dizzy, the air felt thick with pressure and they just wanted to either get rid of it fast, or succumb to it's weight.

Link struggled to notice his partner's struggles, as their face never gave away much of what was in their mind, but so was his, so he didn't give too much tought into it.

After what felt like hours they finally reached the door to their shared room, and Link was quick to open it and hold the door for Y/n, who barely smiled and walked inside in a rush.

That threw Link a bit off guard, and upon entering he noticed how quickly Y/n had put themselves under the bedsheets of their queen-sized bed, having just taken their shoes off.

Link closed the door, silently making his way to Y/n, who's face was covered with the sheets, and he sat down on tbe materass, placing a hand on where Y/n's shiluette marked their shoulder.

"You must be really tired" He said, his husky voice barely above a whisper.

Y/n shuffled a bit under the covers, and nervously laughed.

Link soon got up, preparing himslef to get to sleep as well, and, after blowing out the few candles he had lit to not bump into the forniture, he was in bed.

When he got under the covers Y/n peeked their head out of the balnket, staring tiredly at the blank cieling barely lit up by the light of the moon thay was shining from outside, and filtrating through the curtains.

Y/n couldn't take it anymore.

When Zelda appointed them at Link's side to be a personal guard to her they didn't think that soon Link's job would become theirs.

'It's gonna be helpful for the both of you' she said, 'what was previously Link's duty will be split into two, so that he can take it easyer', but now he was barely doing anything, carrying the sword that seals the darkness.

He was a champion too after all, he took delight in the praise and, although Y/n knew sometimes it felt like a burden, he could have everything he ever wanted.

And Link didn't even seem to notice how badly this was affecting them.

Their partner for life, that they put their whole faith in, hadn't asked them how they were doing in months now, seemingly all that rest was pleasing him more than he cared for their partner's wellbeing.

That tought hurt more than they had liked to admit. His distant demeanor, his seeming lack of care broke their heart, and in their mind that ugly tought of disappearing came again.

And now they were here.

Doing the worst job they could have had, having barely any time for themselves and to just rest, to think about life, the future, what was to expect and to plan.

The Legend Of Zelda: BotW, AoC, TotK Oneshots! (x reader)Where stories live. Discover now