Master Kohga x Shy! Hylian! reader

596 13 22

Story requested by Catcarly

Drawing on the top by me :)

the reader is female (sorry non binary pals)

probably start of a romance??? i have no idea

also, since Kohga is kinda old, the reader will be in her 40's


"Princess Zelda, guests have arrived and are waiting in the throne hall" y/n gave a slight bow to the girl standing in front of the large mirror, examining her looks.
Zelda turned around, giving a shy smile to her main maid.
"Y/n, do you mind helping me choose earrings? I'm not sure wich ones to pick" The 19 years old girl asked.
Y/n was happy to comply.

After the last preparations there was a knock at the door.
The maid ran and opened it.
The short, dirty-blonde haired champion stood as silent as ever.
"Zelda, your escort is here" and with that, y/n followed behind the two, noticing how their eyes glimpsed at the sight of one another.

Thanks to Zelda, Y/n didn't have to serve the guests, but only stay with her in case of personal emergencies that needed the care of someone with experience.
The princess knew about the maid's shyness, and to make it easier for the lady that helped her most of her childhood, much like Urbosa, growing up without a mother, decided that she could hang around her and help her with the champions whenever they had meetings.

As they made their way down the stairwell draped with a red silky carpet, all the guests started clapping.
Y/n tensed. There where WAY more people than she imagined.
The maid looked at the floor and took a deep breath.
It was going to be a long, long night.

Y/n was standing to the side of Zelda, a bit far behind not to gain any attention from any of the guests, but still keeping an eye on the princess who was surrounded by the four Champions, Link, the Chosen one, and Impa, Zelda's royal advisor.

Of course Daruk was standing as proud as ever, followed by Revali's ego that could be sensed thru the air, Mipha's tranquillity and Urbosa's charm.

Two new faces where at Zelda's company though, two somebodys that seemed to make Impa uncomfortable.
Well, two masks.
With the Yiga crest on it.

Y/n tensed and held a scream. If they were there, they had all their reasons to be and she couldn't make a fuss about it and get all the unwanted attention.

There were two individuals. They looked like the opposite of each other.

One, tall, muscular, certanly proud, but also visibly beaten up and bandaged. He must have had a tough fight during Ganon's sealing.
the other one, short, fat and seemingly harmless, visibly bubbly and...probably drunk, but Y/n couldn't really tell.

She kept staring.
and staring and staring and staring.

The shorter one seemed to have noticed, and turned around to the taller, slightly pointing to Y/n's direction.


The maid quikly turned her head and looked over to the table where the buffet stood.

She could hear Zelda's faint words as she wandered aimlessly in the room.

" main maid, why'd you ask?"


'Please Zelda cover me' the maid prayed to herself.

to no avail.

The short Yiga was alredy on his way.

Y/n stood frozen, looking around trying not to meet the (probably) man's gaze.

"Great party we're having" he akwarly started the conversation, standing beside y/n at a decent distance.
"Y-you could say that" she stuttered.
There was an akward silence.

"I'm Kohga, what's your name?"
he suddently asked, looking over at Y/n.
The maid reluctantly shook Kohga's hand.
He bowed down and lightly tapped Y/n's hand with his maks.
"I-i'm Y/n", she stuttered, fluttered by the man's gesture.
"a beautiful name, i might add"
'This guy is a flirt' Y/n tought.
it was just then that she felt her cheeks heat up.
'Am i blushing???because of a yiga?????'
She widened her eyes, pushing a strand of hair back in it's place.

She quikly looked over at Zelda, who was just looking at her back.
it was a sort of phsycic communication between the two, they were used to talk in faces.
Y/n's said 'help' and Zelda's...'thank me later'.

she took a deep breath and looked back over at Kohga, who seemed lost in all the decoration of the room.
"Zelda said you are her main maid, is that so?" He asked out of the blue.
Y/n tensed again.
"Y-yes, i am" she looked down at her blue dress.
"so i take it as you organized the room? It's real nice" he giggled.
his laugh was way more contagious than she would have liked to admit.

Slowly but surely Y/n started to open up to the man, and the night was way shorter than she tought.

Zelda could hear the faint laughing of the two, certanly they were enjoying themselves.
She gave a knowing smile to y/n, and both went on with the celebration.

Although very different, the two seemed to have some sort of connection, maybe brought by how opposite the acted.
they completed one antoher.

Soon a soft music started to play from one of the sides of the throne room, and people started leaving the middle of the room for those who wanted to dance.

Y/n looked over at Zelda's moving form.
Link was holding her hand and bringing her in the middle.

Y/n couldn't help but smile at the two, again.

Kohga got her attention, holding a hand out for her to take.
"Woud you like to dance with me?"
the woman probably was as red as a tomato.
"I really d-dont know how to dance Kohga, i'm sorry" she tried to avoid his gaze, wherever that would have been
"Me neither! But it's gonna be fun!" His offer still standed, and Y/n took his hand.

They tried to dance, looking at the more experienced cuples on the dancing ground, but often failed and stepped on each others feet, laughing and blushing from how close they were.

Sooga was leaning on a wall, smiling to himslef, watching his boss have a moment of peace after all these events, wondering what would have been of the two.




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