Yiga! Robbie x Yiga! Reader

435 3 31

Requested by Itz_Echo_

Gender neutral reader

the drawing on the top is mine

Romance :)


A faint music came from the dimly lit hallway, the same hallway Y/n was now used to take after every excruciating trainibg session.

They Yiga walked silently and slowly, scanning with their mind the song playing. They heard it before, surely. You couldn't not know a song when you lived with Robbie.

The more they walked the more the music became clearer, and Y/n started to hum along.

[The song is 'Lets Groove' by Earth Wind and Fire]

Of course it was Robbie's favourite.
He would pass hours and hours either playing it on the record player he managed to build or just sing it with his loud and charming voice. Not that he could sing, really, but he enjoyed it, and so did their partner.

The Yiga finally approached the door, and carefully turned the knob.
in front of them, shaking his body to the rythm ther was the one and only Robbie, clearly too driven into the beat to hear his partner enter.

Y/n kept a small giggle to themselves as they walked over to the man in front of the working bench.

They were just centimeters away, and Y/n peaked their head over the scientist's shoulder, making him jump and yell.

"Y/N! YOU REALLY WANTED ME TO HAVE A HEART ATTACK!" He shouted turing the volume down a notch.

Y/n could only laugh at the man's behaviour.

"You are so cute when you're angry~" they teased, their mask nearly touching Robbie's face.

Robbie pouted, looking off to the side and crossing his arms.

Y/n took a step back, lifting their mask, and getting closer again.

"do i get a kiss or are you too angry at me?" The Yiga teased again.

"oh well, you tell me" he bit back, smirking, their lips inches apart.

there was a moment of silence, then they both started laughing.

after it had died down their lips met.

"Welcome back, i hoped you wouldn't have to train all night again" Robbie said after the kiss ended.

"I started to feel lonley" he finished, caressing one of Y/n's cheeks.

Y/n hugged him close, resting their head on his shoulder.

"i really need a good night's sleep" The Yiga said, their face in the crook of Robbie's neck.

They stood silent again. A peaceful silence, it could never be akward.

"AND, a shower. YOU need a SHOWER"

Robbie pinched his nose and made a waving sign with his other hand.

"but i'm tireeeeddd~" Y/n cried out as Robbie got away from the hug.

"the fastest you wash yourself the fastest you'll be in bed" He responded turning the music completly off.

After a while they where both ready to sleep, and getting under the covers, Y/n found a deep slumber snuggled against Robbie, who couldn't help but smile at the sight of his loved one, resting and trusting him to be with them.



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