Teba x injured! reader

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requested by runningpooper
Nonbinary reader

My aromantic ass CANNOT understand love

also Teba is 26 and Y/n is 24


Teba's POV

They're late. Again.

I'm used to having to wait for them, i understand they have to take the longer route since they don't have wings, but they've never been this late.

I felt annoyed, sure, but my gut feeling was screaming for me to take off and go search for them, and my gut feeling was never wrong.

'i swear if they forgot training'  i tought as i spred my wings and darted in the sky, to have a clear view of the grounds around the flight range.

now that i tought of it, snow was starting to fall pretty heavily. Maybe they got caught in an avalanche or just got lost.
It could have been the case but knowing Y/n, it wasn't likley. We've been training together for what, five years now? they should know the road.

I couldn't help but feel an immense sense of worry as i tought of losing the person my heart had fixated onto.

3Rd person POV

Teba felt way more uneasy than he would have liked to admit.
As he scanned the area he could barely see anything because of the horrible weather, but something stood out.
A huge monster, one that was never there before that seemed to be attacking something else, way smaller.
As he recognized the form of Y/n, his blood froze. His heart started beating faster and faster and his breath got cought up in his throat.
he darted the way of the foe, gliding down to it's level, to be revealed with a horrible sight.
Blood staining the pure white snow, and a struggling Y/n fending off a white-manted Lynel. His eyes were coated in tears as their friend turned their head towards him.
Bruises and blood stained that face Teba had grown to love.
Y/n smiled.
"Nice of you to join Teba" they smirked, turing their head back around to face the monster in front of them.
Teba took a deep breath and took his bow out, too stunned to even speak, grabbing an arrow form the quill attached to his belt, preparing to strike the Lynel, who was charging towards the two with a loud roar.
White clouds came out of his beak as he closed his eye and aimed for the monster's head, right between the eyes.
he let go of the bow string, the arrow cutting the air with a whistle and landing perfectly, stunning the Lynel.
"Come on, let's get out of here" he rushed the phrase, lifting Y/n on his back.
"Hold on tight" he exclamed as he rushed in the air with a few wing flaps.

"Are you ok? Did it hurt you?" Teba started asking, feeling Y/n unsteady breaths on his neck feathers.
They didn't respond.
"Hold on a little longer, I'll save you" his voice craked, fear making him shiver even more than the heavy snow that was covering everything.

Teba finally landed in the flight range, and layed out a heavy blanket on the floor, where he then carefully positioned Y/n.
He then rushed to ignite the fire under the pot in the middle of the shack.
Y/n coughed and winced, and Teba's heart felt heavy.
he kneeled on their side, cleaning their cuts with tweezers and placing a warm cloth on their forhead.
'Sorry' he tought as he opened Y/n's jaket and shirt to chek for any big bruise or cut, which unfortunally, he found.
a big black bruise in the middle of their stomach. He hissed at the sight, and so did Y/n when he strated to spread a cold cream on it.
"i know, i know, but this is going to help you recover faster".

As Teba watched over Y/n resting form he sighed, a soft chuckle escaping his mouth.
"and to think i would have confessed my feelings to you today, but look where fate brought you instead"
as he sighed again he felt Y/n's hand move on his.
"...love...you..." they whispered, with their eyes still closed and trembling voice.
Teba's eyes widened and his heart felt warm, as a smile formed on his face and he tightened the grip on Y/n's hand.

Hi, sorry for the long wait.
please let me know if you see any mistakes and don't be afraid to comment.
have a good day/night

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