Yunobo x Fearless! Reader

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Reuqested by rubyrouge18
they/them reader

"'One brother hunts what the other brother hides- two lizards fighting over what's inside'...and what does that even mean! The more i think about it the more my head hurts" Y/n puffed, the words from the riddle given by the Goron Elder making no sense in their head.

As they scouted the area of the lizard lakes alongside Yunobo they kicked small rocks around in frustration, Yunobo sighing and facepalming at their behaviour.

"I'm so tired of walking around two perfectly warm hot springs" Y/n added, not waiting for their friend to answer, as they took off their boots and rolled up the edgles of their pants to rest their legs in the water of the natural spring.

"Y/n, it's not time to slack off like that- here of all places! It's been crawling with monsters lately, what if we get ambushed!" He sounded genuinly worried but Y/n brushed it off.

"And? We have our weapons with us, what could a few monster do against your rolling attack?" They explained nonchalantly, dangling their feet in the water.

Yunobo knew about his friend noncurancy, and knew he wasn't going to win this.

He sat beside them holding his boulder crusher, but further from the water, almost giving his back to Y/n.

"Awe, did i make you mad~?" Y/n teased, turing their head towards the goron.

He scoffed, "if monsters attack i will see them, at least. I'll watch your back while you rest" Y/n felt a bit bad for acting that way, Yunobo was always caring and now of all times was being protective, aware of their Hylian limits.

The hylian looked over at their reflection in the water, biting the insides of their mouth feeling disappointment towards themselves.

A rather uncomfortable silence fell, and they both knew they didn't want their frienship ruined beacuse of a simple disagreement like this one, but no one talked.

A hot wind blew and made their hair sway, the sun was high in the sky and no clouds were seen at the horizon.

That's when a whislte startled Y/n, who quickly turned to Yunobo.

"an arrow! We're being attacked!" They scrambled to put their boots back on despite of the reddened blisters on their heels while Yunobo unsheathed his boulder breaker, ready to defend his friend while this vulnerable.

About 10 firebreath Lizalfos were slithering about, some wielding bow and arrows and some rusty, makeshift weapons and shields, their eyes flikering and their tongues clicking, sparks of fire flying out of their mouths as they did.

"Ok, let's do this Yunobo!" Y/n smiled, standing at the goron's side, their own weapon and shield in hand.

The young Goron took a deep breath before nodding firmly, raising his wepon to begin the attack.

As the two parties ran at each other with all their might, Y/n was slashing at the lizard-like monsters while giving a loud yell, a sort of warcry if you will.

They let go of their shield to take a smaller knife from their back and dual wield, kicking the enemies with strenght and managing to down three of them.

A moment after, they were caught of guard and fell to the ground because of the sweep by one of the Lizalfos, who used it's tail to make Y/n trip.

As they scrambled to get back up, the monster opened it's jaw, knowing sign it was about to spit fire, at this time Y/n regretted their decision to throw their shield away.

Before they could throw their knife at the moster in front of them, a powerful hit sent the lizard flying, and after it hit the ground, it evaporated in a black and purple mist, leaving behind it's equipment.

Yunobo was sighing heavily, he had managed to kill off all the other monsters.

Y/n, still on the ground, looked up at him with a smile, spitting on the ground beside them afterwards, a bit of blood amidst the saliva.

Yunobo was quick to get startled, opening his zaphire blue eyes wide at the sight.

"A-are you ok?? Did they hurt you?" He spoke with anxiety in his voice, his concern clear.

Y/n stiffled a laugh, and got up from the scorching hot ground.

"I just bit my tongue that's all. Are you hurt?" They asked, walking all around Yunobo and rasing his arms to check for injuries.

He couldn't even say 'no' that Y/n was alredy hugging him tightly.

"I'm sorry i was rude to you before" they half whuspered, their tone genuine and their voice muffled as they were holding their face aganminst Yunobo's chest.

He hugged back without hesitation, patting Y/n's back caringly.

"I know you didn't mean to, all that matters now is that you're ok" he smiled, breaking the hug.

Y/n smiled, looking for a moment too long in his eyes, and then darting their gaze away.

"So this lizard lake tresure MUST be around here somewhere!" They muttered nervously, beginning to walk around the place once more, Yunobo trailing behind them, giggling.

Ok i am actually writing and have some ideas for the other oneshots SO you will probably get some in the next few days!

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