Revali x Reader

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Requested by Ms_steal_yo_mans
they/them reader

"where do you think you're going Y/n?" the blue-fethered rito asked, almost annoyed.

The called person stopped their evident preparations for a trip, and sighed.

"i'm going hunting" they responded, their tone flat and used to the sassy bird's concern.

"why do you always insist on hunting? there's many ingredients to chose from at the shop" Revali spoke, annoyance and confusion in his voice, "and it's not like you've got money problems" he muttered, looking away.

"because i want some fresh meat today, and there's none at the shop" they said back, starting their preparations once more.

The Rito scoffed loudly, almost hurt. "umbelivable" he muttered, starting his own preparations.

Y/n took notice, and it was their turn to sigh.

"really? can't trust me with going in the forest for most likely less than an hour?" they questioned, irritated.

it wasn't the first time, actually, Y/n couldn't remember a time they had gone out alone since they got together with Revali. Sure, it was really kind hearted and protective of him, but sometimes they felt as he didn't trust their skill by always wanting to be at their side, even for harmless walks and quick hunts like these.

"as much as i love you, you're a pain in the ass sometimes, Birdie" they scoffed, now getting up, their bag behind their back filled with baits and other kinds of stuff, their bow and quill filled with arrows ready for another day of hunting.

Revali wiped off the nickname, shaking his head and widening his eyes,"excuse me? you should thank me for using my time and perfect skill to protect you!" he raised his fethered hands in confusion and slight anger.

"Revali, i'm leaving for half an hour, and i can handle a few monsters if i even come across any!" They spoke back, walking past Revali to exit his hut.

"fine then! we'll see how much you'll beg for me to accompany you next time!" The sassy bird commented, a hint of betrayal and hurt in his smooth voice.

The Rito moved to the railings on the other side of his hut, looking at the muntains on the horizon as Y/n left Rito Village.

They made their way across the many wooden bridges, and while walking a feeling of dread and disappointment in themselves made them know that they had to soon apologize to Revali, his hurt tone of voice lingering in their mind.

They soon arrived on land, and after a quick look at the people of the nearby stable, they went towards the woods on it's back, and followed the path that soon brought them were the flight range was situated.

As they walked trough the snow filled muntains, distracted by the horrible ripercussions that their actions might cause in their relationship, they failed to notice a huge Thabanta moose, which, upon hearing their clumsy and heavy footseps, ran away.

they mentally scolded themselves, stopping in their tracks in a seemingly empty zone, a huge icy rock in the middle.

Y/n stomped over to it and sat down, their elbows on their knees and their hands supporting their head, heavy snow beginning to fall.

Y/n kept mentally punching themselves, how they acted, how they didn't even say goodbye or offer a kiss or just talked more about the situation with him.

As they lost themselves in their toughts, the ground, well, the rock begun to shake violently, rising up.

"Fuck!" Y/n screamed as they fell into the snow, the chilling cold reaching their bones.

They got up stumbling, facing the giant frost talus in front of them.

Y/n was breathing heavily as they tried concentrating.

'how i wish you were here' they tought, getting their bow ready, knowing that running away was not an option, for one, it would have just made the rito even more full of himself, and he would have never let go of that little story of when "Y/n escaped in my arms when a frost Talus attacked them and they were too scared to face it", and for seconds, Y/n could have have never found the way they came from untill the heavy snow stopped falling.

Their body shook from both the cold and the adrenaline, and they begun facing the Talus, dodging it's arms by throwing themselves in the snow, and reaching the ore deposit on it's back woth their arrows, striking it witht their sword when it fell to the ground.

It was a tough battle, but Y/n soon realized it was almost over, as the Talus threw itself on the ground, acting hurt and on the limit.

Y/n smugly approached it, putting a boot on it's surface and smiling proudly.

"i was a bit rusty, but it was a good fight-" they talked, when from beneath, one of the Talus's arms made them fly upwards.

As they plunged back to the ground, hurled in a ball, holding their aching limbs and crying out in pain, their face planted in the snow, the Talus fell to the ground, and dismantled into many ores thag scattered in the snow.

They didn't have the strenght to look for the archer who had just saved them from certain death as they could hear his paniked muttering and stressed demeanor from there.

"-you stubborn, irresponsable piece of Hylian that i fell for" They could hear him say as he flew over to them, grabbing their form and shielding them from the heavy snow.

"-i'm sorry Revali-" they winched in pain, "for how i treated you b-back at the village" small tears slid down their freezing face as Revail held them close, moving under a rock formation to keep them both away from the falling snow.

"I know you are, Y/n" he answered, worry relevant in his voice "i-i'm..." he paused for a moment, unsure of his words, "i'm sorry too ok? i should have given you your space- but you're too important for me to just- leave to the dangers of the world" he muttered, resting his chin on top of Y/n's head.

The Hylian snuggled in his chest as they waited for the storm to die down, comfortable and woth no doubt about their love, knowing that misundertanding each other was normal, and talking was the way to feel comfortable with each other once more.

Slowly but surely i am back at writing, hope you enjoyed, requests for totk are open and have a great day/night ^^

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