Yunobo x Zora! Reader

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Requested by AxlRoseIsCool666

They/them reader

Yunobo stood in the middle of Goron city, lost in the awful memories of only days prior, where the puppet of Ganondorf made him become his worst self.

He was glad it was over, and that Goron city was slowly but surely blossomimg back to life, the retreat of the lava and the lowering of the temperature bringing many more visitors and opening trade with all the races of hyrule that couldnt make it because of the scorching heat.

Yunobo took a deep breath taking a last look around the middle of Goron city, 'i should get going to YunoboCo' he tought, beginning his jurney back to his workplace and home.

As he ventured towards the rock structure, waving and sometimes stopping to chat with the YunoboCo workers and miners, something caught his ears.

The sounds of the monsters crawling where once lava flowed were almost dubled, as if they were fighting.

A horrind tough crossed the goron's mind.

'Someone could be getting attacked!' He tought in a panic, crouching into a ball and rolling down the cliffs that separated the 'riverbed' of the lava form the living lands, rushing towards the sounds.

He was horribly right.

A group of moblins and bokoblins of various colors were surrounding someone, who was cornered against a steep rocky wall.

Yunobo wasted no time activating Daruk's protection and rolling at a high speed towards the hoard of monsters, who, burned by his flames and trown into the air were just as quick to flee the area.

Yunobo shook and rubbed his head with his hand, a but dizzy from all the rolling, and he soon rose his gaze to the attacked person, a Zora.

They were trembling, a few visible bruises and scratches on their body, which they where shielding with a zora spear, but nothing too serious, thats what Yunobo tought before the zora fell towards the ground unconcious, just before giving a grateful look into Yunobo's small, blue eyes.

Yunobo yelped, running towards the limp body of the zora.
"Hey! Please wake up!" He yelled in a panic, unsure of how to react.

He looked around in distress, before taking a few deep breaths and picking up the zora's limp body.

He gasped, "i-i din't think a zora is supposed to be this warm..." he mumbled as he scrambled to get to YunoboCo, "what is a zora doing here in the first place!" He kept talking to himself, "the heat has sure gone down, but it's still pretty hot out here!" He began trying to understand this on his own, but he couldn't. And now the main objective was to save this zora.

as he hurriedly arrived in YunoboCo's HQ he yelled to the Gorons that were around, "go grab some hotspring water!" everybody looked a bit confused before their eyes caught onto what was going on, and realized the time fragility of the situation.

Soon clouds of dust were shaken from the ground as many gorons crouched into balls and rolled away in a rush.

Yunobo wan't entirely sure what he was doing. not at all actually, but he was aware of the healing properties of the hot springs, and that the Zora thrived in water, and as he whitnessed the Zora grumble and scrunch their face up in pain, he really hoped it was as simple as that.

"H-hey? Can you hear me?" Yunobo whispered gently, as the Zora opened their eyes, "im going to help you" he said, a slight smile appearing on the Zora' face.

"" they whispered back, their voice weak and raspy, making Yonobo's heart melt.

He took a few deep breaths, trying to calm his panic, then, begun sprinting towards the hot springs, the gorons passing by giving him weirded out looks and confused stares.

As he arrived at the edge of the natural, steaming  pools out of breath he wasted no time lowering the trembling zora's body into the clear waters.

the cuts and bruises on their body begun diminishing, their breathing beginning to become more regular, and Yunobo took a sigh of relief.

He smiled widely as the zora fluttered their eyes open, a reassuring feeling washing over Yunobo, who gave a proud giggle.

" could i ever repay you saved my life..." the zora sounded sorrowful, and yunobo gave a preoccupied look, sitting in the edge of the spring more comfortably.

"Hey, you needed help goro...i couln't have let you die! Let alone as you something in return..." he trailed off  a sad smile forming on the zora's face.

"I-if i may tough, what's your name? what are you doing here in eldin?" Yunobo asked in curiosity, meeting the Zora's eyes.

They widened their eyes, "i haven't introduced myself did i?" They said almost annoyed at themselves "i'm Y/n....and you must be Yunobo? Am i correct?"

"yup! you got it Goro!" Yunobo smiled shyly, rubbing the back of his head. "s-so, Y/n, what brought you here to goron city in the first place?" he asked again.

Y/n looked down into the waters they were in, sighing, "i had planned a trade of luminous stone and topaz with the town seller, but i guess the monsters stole it all and now the deal is torn" they said saddened and frustrated.

there was some silence before the zora spoke up again, "i'm sorry for the truble, Yunobo. i should probably get back on track and head to the domain-" "what?" the goron said in surprise, halting the apology from the zora, "y/n you're still badly hurt! you can't begin your jurney like this" he said in a worried tone.

the zora smiled sadly, unsure on how to answer, "i'd rather not be any more of a burden to you and your people, Yunobo. i'll be careful-" "let me at least accompany you to the nearest stable" he cut them off again, taking them off guard. 

"haven't you done enough for me alredy?" Y/n laughed, making Yunobo follow along, "Well, if i begin something, i can't just stop mid way," he answered, smiling back, sharing a deep look into Y/n's eyes.


sorry for the abrupt stop but it felt right to end it there for some reason.


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