redemption ark! Ganondorf x Ancient Hylian Reader

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Requested by CultMotherRed
They/them reader

"It's all so different..." Ganondof exclaimed, shielding his eyes from the sun with his huge hand, and overlooking Hyrule Fields.

"...Yet it's so familliar" Y/n compleated his phrase, walking to the ledge where the Gerudo was standing, crossing their arms.

"It used to be more...empty" Ganondorf commented, his eyes fixated on the landscape, as if hypnotized.

"Sure, but emptyness was better if to fill it there are only ruins, caused by someone" Y/n mumbled the last part, looking off to the side, catching a glimpse of Zelda and Link walking towards them, their blue attire recognizable from miles.

Before Ganondorf could react to Y/n's accusation, the Ancient Hylian walked away in the direction of the Royal and her Knight, greeting them with open arms, and leaving Ganondorf grunting and grimacing, twisting his head in annoyance.

"Ah, Y/n, Ganondorf, i'm glad we could meet. I have put together some plans for the reconstruction of the damage caused by the falling Zonai ruins over the land" Zelda said, glee in her voice as she handed a few blueprints and papers to Y/n, who carefully scanned over them.

They felt Ganondorf getting closer, and saw his hand reaching out, expecting the papers to be handed to him.

Y/n smirked and pulled the papers away from his sight, "i tought you wanted to 'improve your manners'" They teased.

Ganondorf sighed, closing his eyes and furrowing his brows.

"Can i see the plans, please" he 'asked', annoyance and slight anger clear in his voice.

Y/n handed him the papers, smiling, "that's better" they said, looking over at Zelda who was stiffling a laugh.

"When will we begin then, princess?" Ganondorf asked, his voice serious as he almost roughly shoved the schemes back in Y/n's hands, who didn't even have time to scold him, as Zelda was alredy leading the way to the first zone to clear out.

As they reached the central square of castle town ruins, they met many other hylians that were alredy working on rebuilding the town, as many of the fundations of the houses had been built before the Upheaval had striked, after the defeat of the Calamity, almost 10 years prior.

People were visibly nervous at the sight of Ganondorf imposing frame, as well as his reputation, but he coudln't be bothered and kept walking silently, as stoic as ever.

Thats when a group of the Zonai Survey Team begun almost running towards Y/n, as they had heard of the presence of an ancient Hylian, and as soon as they had surrounded them, they begun bombarding them with questions.

"How was your life like?"
"Was King Rauru a good leader? What were his laws?"
"What was your diet like?"
As the questions ran all over each other Y/n found themselves scared, confused, the memories of the past, all their loved ones now dust in the fields of Hyrule, all that they knew lost to time.

They got pale and their eyes were wide open as they scanned the people all around them, their head pounding as the people kept talking, when suddently, after a loud cough from Ganondorf, all the noise stopped.

Y/n noticed just after a second that the crowd had dissipated, but they were still shaking, hugging themselves.

Ganondorf couldn't help but feel pity.

He put one of his hands under and one atop Y/n's shouders, helping them sit down on a wooden platform.

"How are you feeling?" He half whispered, crouching down to Y/n's level, noticing how fast they were breathing and trembling, and getting slightly...worried.

He shook off that feeling, it wasn't like him, but as he stood up to leave, he heard Y/n talk.

"What was that?" He asked, turning back around to face them.

Y/n gulped down the knot that had formed in their throat.

"You're the only thing i can hold onto to be sane" they whispered, looking down and brushing away a few teardrops.

They then weakly laughed, "it's funny because you were the problem once" they held their head and rested their elbows on their weak knees, looking at the ground.

Ganondorf stood still, in tought.

"If you-" the man started, blocking himslef and thiking, then he sighed, "if you need anything, consider me as an option to help" he was clearly embarassed, turning his back on Y/n again and walking away, his head low like Y/n had never seen before.

They smiled to themselves, watching as he walked towards Link and Zelda, seeing him point with his thumb towards them, as he was probably telling the two that they weren't feeling all right, and they felt they heart warming up.

Eyy two oneshots in a dayy- hopefully neither is too shitty-
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