Robbie + Purah x Reader

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Requested by LenaHummingbird
Sibling like

They/them reader


"What do i even do with this?" Y/n asked, holding the wirdest tool they had ever encounetred in their life in their gloved hand, tilting their head and examining in troughly.

Robbie walked behing them and leaned over their shoulder, placing his thumb and index finger on his chin.

His glasses' mechanisms did some twirls and silly sounds, before he shrugged and walked away, humming to his favourite song, playing on the grammophone.

Purah came hopping to the working bench were the little Y/n was scrathcing their head in confusion, as the bits and parts on the table didn't seem to help with their little project.

"Lemme see, you bolt-head" Purah giggled at her own words, and similarly to Robbie leaned over Y/n's shoulder.

"See, it's multi-use! This part screws bolts, this one is a blowtorch, and- WAIT YOU CAN'T USE THIS IT'S DANGEROUS!" She yelled and grabbed the tool from the  kid's hands, rasing it up in the air.

He avoided the question.

Purah scoffed and went to get the tool box to replace the dangerous item that previously was in the hands of the 16 years old.

Robbie quikly turned around, and looked at the action taking place just on the other side of the room.

Y/n was also stiffling a laugh.

the two had decided that today was a good day for pranks, and their poor victim was falling right in their trap.

Purah got to the tool box, and upon opening it with a swift movement, pink glitters got launched in her face.

Robbie and Y/n bursted out laughing, as Purah gasped in ofence and tried brushing the glitter from her face in  vain.

Robbie carefully got closer to Y/n, holding their shoulders, and leaning to whisper in their ear.

"on the count of three, we make a run for it" he said, as Purah made a face that said 'really?'.

Y/n giggled and nodded.


"Robbie watch it" Purah snared, crossing her arms.


"Robbie!" Purah yelled again, visibly more angry.


And the chase around the laboratory begun.

Paper sheets were flying in the air, chairs were falling over, and laughter was mixed with the annoyed yells fron Purah.

the chase came to and end as Purah managed to grab Robbies' ear, pinching it tightly.

"How about you clean that up uh?" Purah looked at him with spite as he pled for mercy and asked Y/n to free him.

The young Sheika put their hands behind their back, whistling and dangling side to side looking around to avoid Robbie's gaze.

The man was now frowning and acting offended and betraied, faking wiping away his nonexisting tears.

Purah giggled at the interaction, then let the scientist go, and reached for the conviniently placed broom besid her, handing it with a dramatic motion at Robbie, who was rubbing his sore ear.

"I'll go try and clean this off...ugh i swear if you ruined my clothes!" Purah screeched as she walked to the bathroom.

There was a moment of silence as the Purah closed the door, then, Y/n started giggling.

"oh don't think you're out of truble young one!" Purah's voice could be heard from the other room, and it was now Robbie's turn to laugh.

Y/n crossed their arms and stuck ttheir tongue out, Robbie doing the exact same.


Another chapter out, i hope you liked it

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