Sooga x Monster Tamer! Reader

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Requested by dinsfire24
They/them reader

the rays of light from the rasing sun filtered trough the blinds, grazing on Sooga's sleeping form, his bare chest filled with scars heaving and falling calmly, his eyes closed in a tranquill manner and his mouth slightly agape, a strand of saliva dripping from it's corner.

Y/n was leaning on the doorframe of their room, looking at her boyfriend's peacefull slumber with a smile.

She was alredy dressed in working clothes, ready for her daily tasks, only needing to grab a few things from the shared room, and she silently did, trying as best as she could to not make a noise.

As Y/n bent down to grab her bag, a shuffle and a groan was heard from the bed.

They turned to give a look at Sooga, finding him sitting up, rubbing his eyes and the saliva on the edge of his mouth with his hands, his long raven-black hair tangled and messily falling onto his shoulders.

"Did i wake you up?" Y/n asked, her tone playful yet concerned as she walked and sat on the edge of the bed, looking into Sooga's tired eyes.

"" he tiredly mumbled, " it wasn't you..don't worry" a yawn escaped his lips, and he streched his arms upwards.

Y/n smiled, scooting closer to him and placing a kiss on his temple, moving some strands of his hair behind his ear.

He gave a pleased expression, then he realized his girlfriend was alredy dressed.

"Why are you alredy up?" Sooga asked, his voice raspy and still sleepy.

"I wanted to go check on the Lizalfos first thing in the morning," Y/n answered, "they tend to get a little bit grumpy if i don't feed them everyday at the same time" she giggled.

Sooga nodded in acknowledgemnt, before moving to get out of bed, not before stealing a gentle kiss on the lips from Y/n.

"I'll help you out" he murmured, beginning to dress himself, brushing his hair and tying it back, then grabbing Y/n's bags and items for her.

As they got out of their small cottage, the crisp air of the morning gave them goosebumps, but the first rays of the sun were alredy warm, and made the weather even more enjoyable.

The cuple moved to the river that flowed not too far from their home, and Y/n was quick to throw the fishing net in the water, many fish, big and small, getting caught in it in a very short time.

Sooga gave them a hand by pulling out the heavy net from the river, and holding it as they moved to the Lizalfos hideaway.

"Thank the goddes i have a strong boyfriend" Y/n laughed, turning at Sooga who was smiling and shaking his head at his girlfriend's behaviour, deep down loving the praise and being happy he could help.

They arrived at the wooden bridge that led to the wooden platforms the Lizalfos' base was made out of, the huge fishbones used as walls towering over them both. It was a sight they could never get used to.

From afar, a cuple of Blue Lizalfos seemed to notice, and in a slow walk got to them, the face of their tamer impressed in their mind.

One of the two let out a shriek, calling the attention of the silver Lizalfos in the area, who quickly made their way there, croaking and circling around the pair in delight, most likley because of the smell of fish.

The monsters almost purred as they rubbed their snouts on Y/n, who giggled and caressed their horns, Sooga, altough reluctant, doing the same to those circling him.

"The way some fish makes you act..." Y/n laughed, stumbling as more Lizalfos begun coming over, and Sooga took her phrase as a permission to do the usual trading.

He held up the fishnet, moving carefully to not step on the monsters tails, and walking to the wooden platform ahead he emptied it , the monsters quickly leaving Y/n alone and crawling towards the pile of fresh fish, digging in.

Sooga brushed his hands together as he walked back to Y/n, and upon giving one last look at the Lizalfos, they begun making their way back home.

"I can't believe this is all it takes for them to let us live in their territory" he mumbled, brushing his chin with his index finger and thumb, "how did you even know about this?" He smiled, wrapping one of his arms around Y/n's shoudlers, placing a kiss on the top of her head, "you never cease to amaze me, you know?".

Y/n giggled and smiled, leaning into Sooga as they calmly walked, "i might have snuck in the castle library and "borrowed" some books while i worked as a maid," she laughed, obtaining a wide-eyed expression fron Sooga, "and i tought i was the only criminal in the relationship" he half joked, shaking his head. 

their cottage came to view, and they stopped a moment to breath the fresh air of the Lanayru Wetlands, admiring the way the sun shone onto the blue stone of the muntains surrounding Zora's Domain.

"altough, if it wasnt for that late night reading session we wouldn't have met, huh?" Y/n said in an almost nostalgic tone.

"you are right, and thank god we both have a bit of rebel in us" Sooga sighed, looking lovingly into Y/n eyes, "i never tought i'd live a normal life, you made me understand where y heart was, you put it in the right place" he said softly, gently caressing the side of Y/n's head, who smiled tenderly and basked in his loving touch.

eyyy been a while, been occupied getting awful grades in school, but hopefully i'll get more time to write, i miss it tbh.

i hope yall are ok and ave a gread day/night!

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