Sidon x Yiga! Reader

932 15 6

Gender Neutral reader
Requested by Em0_W33b_
sorry for the long wait :(

not edited there might be some errors here and there


A loud voice erupted and echoed from somewhere in Zora's Domain


Loud footsteps and commands rang thru the luminous stone pavements and the King's hall, as everything slowly became chaos.

The Zora positioned at the end of the main bridge, spears drawn out towards the approaching enemy.

"ZORA! Prepare to defend your home!" Prince Sidon's voice was heard behind the troops.

He also had his tridents in hand, ready to battle.

' that...the Yiga clan?!' he tough, as red lights and golden sheets of paper flew by the warriors.

As the menace showed itself, the Zora guards felt uneasy.

Why attack Zora's Domain? it didn't have any strategical advantage that the assasins could be interested in.

the battle broke out.
soliders of both parties fell left and right, but the Zora were advantaged.

"Yiga! Retreat!" A bladesmaster yelled, as the assassins started teleporting back from were they came.

The shaken Zora felt relief, as one by one, the intruders vanished.

"Good job my fellow Zora! we have eradicated the threat-"
Sidon was interruped as two arrows flashed millimeters from his face.

A lone Yiga footsolider, hurt form the not so far clash, barely held themselves and their bow ready to strike.

Prince Sidon tilted his head as he approached the trembling Yiga, who threatend to faint at any moment, a large gash on their leg bleeding intensly.

"Somebody heal this one. I think we could use some explaining after all" he announced, as a few soliders started patching up the confused Yiga on the ground.

"wha...what is going on...." and they were out.

Y/n woke up in a weird room on a bench, or a bed they didn't know, but they could still figure out they were somewhere in Zora's Domain, beacuse of the light blue luminescent walls all around them.

"Oh, you've woken up" a young voice echoed thru the chamber.

As Y/n tilted their head, they realized their mask was as gone as their clan.
They were gone. They didn't bother bringing them back.
all those thoughts made their bruised head spin. Nothing as bad as the bulging pain coming from their leg.
Missing leg. Well, half of it at least.
As they hyperventilated and squiggled towards the corner of the bed they were on, Sidon felt concern, even pity for the enemy.

"hey hey, please don't move, you're still recovering"
he put his hands on Y/n's shoulders, who looked at him confused, scared even.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME?!" Y/n used what remained of their energy to yell curse after curse at Sidon, who backed up from the screaming mess you became.
Sidon had enough, as he grabbed your arm he yelled back.
"If you didn't attack in the first place you wouldn't be here!" That seemed to stop Y/n.

Sidon exaled as he massaged the space between his eyes.
"listen. I don't think torture is the way of doing this. Will you collaborate?"
The question and his sudden change of tone left Y/n surprised.

his face was not angry anymore, he looked sweet, caring, and determined.
As Y/n looked at him they felt their cheeks get hotter.
they werent blushing were they?
for a Zora man? the Zora PRINCE of all.

Y/n exaled, looking away.
"what do i get from talking to you?" They spat.

The prince seemed to think for a moment, looking upwards and holding his chin with his webbed hands.
"I help you out. I'm pretty sure you can't do much without a leg for now. But if you collaborate i'll be sure to try and ask for a Sheika Technology prostethic, and untill then, I will personally be at your side for daily tasks"

As he talked Y/n searched for even the smallest hint of infedelty, unable to find it.
they were used to the venom that came from all their clan mates, Sidon was completly different.

"Fine. What do you wanna know?" they talked trying to hide the warmth they felt in their heart and looking down at their missing leg.

Sidon gave a toothy grin, that seemed to sparkle as he flexed his arm.

"Perfect. I'll give you some time to rest, and I'll be here to investigate tomorrow morning" he started walking towards the door but soon stopped.
"hey, if you need anything, just yell for me, i'm sure the guards will hear you from outside"

Y/n just nodded, shrugging off that odd feeling they kept having as they tought of Sidon's smile.


Hey sorry if it's shit but i just wanted to publish it so i could start wave 2 of requests.
yes, you heard me. Request are open again :)
comment on this chapter your request!

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