Riju x Reader

98 3 4

Requesed by Darkmess5005
They/them reader

somehow i'm alive lmao here's a onehsot

the clashing of swords reverberated through the desert, it's golden dunes brightened by the sun that shone down undeterred.

the sand was being lifted in a cloud as the two fought, thier blades creating sparks after every hit, the reflection of the light almost making them look godly, alongside the colorful reflections of the gemstones that decorated the hilts of their weapons, engraved in gold.

their steps were wary as the sand beneath them gave out, making their fight many times more difficuilt than it was, but they still managed to make it look effortless, like a performance they tried many times before.

"finally making me break a sweat" the warm voice of the Gerudo chief said between breaths, followed by a light chuckle, her tone clearly mocking.

"training has been paying off then," her companion was quick to answer, a grin platered on their face and their strength never faltering as they spoke.

The sparring kept on going, although it was clear that fatigue was creeping upon both of the young adults, who's faces were reddened and glossy from sweat, their breathing heavy.

in a flash, Y/n was defeated, their back hitting the sand below as Riju placed the tip of her scimitar under thier chin, a tired grin on her lips.

Y/n huffed, moving away the blade from their proximity and taking Riju's helping hand to get up.

"i never seem to be able to beat you" The person spoke, their somber tone obscured by the smug look on their face.

Riju just chuckled, "you'll get there eventually, but you're not that far behind" her tone lightened from the previous mocking, now more genuine "you are well over average, you shouldn't drag yourself down" she gave a reassuring smile, placing a hand on their shoulder, her eyes seemingly lighting up as she looked deep into Y/n's, them doing the same.

the comfortable silence that fell between them was suddently interrupted by a heavy, unexpected wind, their hair and clothes messily dragged around by the powerful gust.

the sky was quick to turn dark as the sand rose with the wind, the miniscule specs like broken shards of glass on the duo's skin.

"a sand storm?! now?!" Riju yelled in a panic, covering her face in the crook of her elbow, looking around warily.

a stronger gust almost knocked the both of them off their feet, but the gerudo was quick to react as she grabbed Y/n's hand and begun running, the direction unclear to the confused hylian.

the heavy storm obscured their view, Riju's grasp tight on Y/n's hand as they ran as fast as the sand beneath their feet let them.

she would gaze back at her friend from time to time, her gaze full of worry but reassuring, despite the critical situation.

finally something came to view, it was the highland's rocky wall, and just in front of them, an opening in the stone.

"a cave!" Y/n was quick to direct Riju where they saw the opening, now taking the lead.

as they got inside, as deep as they could, they erupted in a fit of coughing, the sand covering most of their body.

once their airways were cleared though, fatigue took over as they sat down at almost the exact same time, their backs against the cave's walls, their bodies close.

Y/n looked in the direction of the clearly worn out gerudo, gigglig as they whitnessed her entire face covered in sand.

"what?" Riju's tone was sharp, annoyed as Y/n begun laughing, "have you seen yourself?" she questioned as she moved, almost violently, to ruffle the hylian's hair, sand cascating from it.

they laughed for a while, play-fighting to rid each other of the sand that stuck to them, and it soon died down as they remained almost too close to each other.

they could each fell the other's breath on their own skin, their eyes meeting fleetingly as they were just as quick to get some distance between them, the evergrowing blush on Riju's cheeks not going unnoticed by the Hylian.

the akward silence that followed was interrupted by Y/n, "how much do you rekon it's going to last?" their eyes were fixated on the barely visible exit of the cave, towards the unending storm.

Riju composed herself with a cough, sitting up straight "i couldnt tell, there were no signs of it happening either, we might be stuck here for a while" there was a slight tremor in her voice as she spoke, and Y/n was quick to feel the cold wind that slithered from the outside in.

they got closer again, wrapping one of their arms around the gerudo's shoulders.

she was stiff for a moment, before she completly melted in the embrace of her friend, their warmth just what she needed.

Y/n's head rested atop of Riju's as they waited, their fingers gently running along the girl's short, red hair.

"i kinda miss when your hair was longer" Y/n chuckled, making Riju sigh and shake her head with an annoyed grin, "but you do look beautiful nontheless," the Hylian added, their tone now softer, genuine, "it fits you way better, it suits a strong worrior like you".

Riju could feel the blush creeping up her face once more, and closed in on her shoulders, "what's with the compliments?" she said, a flustered giggle escaping her mouth, Y/n following close.

"i just needed you to know," the Hylian shrugged with a smile as the girl moved so they could see each other's eyes.

it wasn't the first time Riju had found herself lost in her childhood friend's eyes, witch beauty dubled everytime they sparred under the desert sun.

her hand, almost by itself, made it's way to the side of the Hylian's face, who stared back, eyes widened and lips barely parted in surprise.

they stared deep into each other's eyes a moment more, before their gaze shifed to the other's lips.

the two could feel their heartbeat rising, as well as each other's breath softly hitting their skin, as the space between their faces slowly disappeared.

before they could even realize it, their lips met. Y/n could feel Riju's buttery, blue lipstick smearing on their own lips, the sensation making their stomach fill with butterflies, their hands wrapping gently around the girls's waist.

their eyes closed as they melted into each other, Riju's arms reaching around Y/n's neck and her fingers playing gently with their hair, just as they did before.

when they parted, their faces still only inches apart, a giggle escaped the gerudo's lips at the sight of her lipstick now adorning the Hylian's face.

they smiled, unable to say anything, and just as they searched for the right words to say, the howling of the wind ceased, and their gaze was drawn to the exit of the cave.

"i wonder if The Seven had it planned all along"

it's been motnths damn here's some food y'all must have been starvin

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