Ganondorf x Hurt! Reader pt2

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Requested by Lhyliart

(She's a friend of mine and she recently has started her own TLoZ book, i recommend you checking it out! It's called "Children of Destiny" and you can easily find it in her profile!)

She/her reader

The night brought a chill in the air, the sky was filled with stars and the dim lights emanating from the structure of the castle were pleasing.

Sonia and Zelda walked along a path in the castle gardens, the comfortable silence between them interrupted abruptly by the sounds of fast footsteps.

The women turned around, and Zelda's eyes widened as she gasped.

"Y/N!" the blonde girl begun running towards the sheika, and they soon met in an embrace, Sonia looking at the pair with a soft smile.

"Oh, you have no idea how worried i have been!" Zelda muttered, her voice genuine and trembling, "where were you? Are you all right?" She asked, leaving the hug and holding onto Y/n's shoulders.

Y/n looked down, her Gerudo clothes being just now noticed by Zelda, who gasped as she came to the realization.

"You've been in the desert all this time? But- but Ganondorf rules there, and he came to the court, and you weren't with him! Were you imprisoned? Did he hurt you?" She said all in one breath, confused and filled with worry.

Y/n shook her head 'no', "he actually took care of me..." she said, a glimpse of hope and slight confusion in her voice.

Zelda looked at the Sheika, slightly forrowing her brows, "you need to be careful, i sense great evil in that man".

A gloomy expression appeared on Y/n's face, "I know" she said, before the slashing of a sword and the thump of a body falling to the ground was heard.

Zelda's head shot back at the noise, her eyes wide open and her breath caught in her throat as she whitnessed Sonia bleeding on the ground, and Ganondorf holding her Secret Stone in his hand, it's colour chaging from a bright yellow to a deep purple.

"QUEEN SONIA!" Zelda screamed in pain as she ran to aid the dying queen, crouching next to her as tears ran along her face.

Y/n walked with her head low until she reached Ganondorf, who's stolen Secret Stone was now embedded onto a crown on his forhead.

A cloud of red and black engulfed him as he activated the power of the secret stone with a loud yell, his body mophing into the one of the Demon King, his  skin dark as coal, and his hair like flames.

The sky turned red, the moon a bloody spectacle, huge in the sky.

As the smoke died down, the man extended his hand for Y/n to take, without looking at her, and as she placed it on his, he covered it with his other one, kneeling down just after.

"You'll be the queen of this new world, you'll have everything at your feet, all the riches your heart desires, and most of all, you'll have my love and devotion untill the end of times"

Y/n couldn't answer as her eyes darted to his own, to the secret stone on his forhead, and to the scene unfolding around them, panic and anguish taking over her.

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