Tulin + Reader

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Requested by HEWO75
they/them reader


"I swear i just passed this tree..." Y/n tought outloud, the groovie form of the dead tree amidst the mist making itself known again.

They exaled loudly, plopping on the ground beneath that same tree, laying their back on it and closing their eyes.

"I should have listened for once" they muttered, the words of their parents and pretty much everyone that they had talked to about their next trip running along their mind.

Y/n coughed hard, clutching their stomach as they did, impending reminder of that illnes they wanted to exterminate by seeking the ancient Deku tree's advice.

They just sat there for a while, their breathing heavy and a feeling of dread starting to get a hold of them.

'What if i never get out?' They begun to think, the worst possible outcomes spreading in their toughts.

Y/n clutched their knees with their arms, their form still againts that tree, and, after they fluttered their eyes open, a twig snapped in the distance.

They froze.

It could have been the wind breaking the dead tree's branches, it could have been a wild animal, or it could have been monsters.

They weakly got up, the pain in their chest omnipresent, and silently looked around.

Thats  when an arrow almost hit them.

They turned around, seeing that same arrow inbedded in the tree's bark, and then they looked in the direction it came from.

No moster was in sight, but a figure was hiding in the thick fog, seemingly flying.

"H-hello?" Y/n stuttered, hoping that their gut was right. It was the silouette of a Rito.

A young one seemingly.

As they spoke, the figure landed and started moving forward towards them, untill their own figure was vidible to Y/n.

"Are you hurt? I tought you were a monster!" The young rito boy yelled, running close to the adventurer who sighed in relief.

"Yes, i'm good. Thank god you missed" they giggled, looking down at the boy.

"What are you doing here in the lost woods? It's really dangerous, traveller!" He yelled, his tone genuinly preoccupied, and his face contorted in one of confusion.

Y/n giggled nervously, and before they could open their mouth to lie, a fit of coughs hit them, and they crouched down on the ground.

"Traveller?" The boy asked, surprised and almost scared.

As Y/n came back to their senses, they stayed crouched on the ground, mumbling, "i needed to talk to the Deku tree about...this".

The rito seemed to sadden, looking down at the traveller, who barely managed to get up again.

"I'm Y/n, by the way" they then announced, their voice raspy.

"And i'm Tulin! Now, do you need help to get out of here? I got lost too here once, my dad and the champion Revali came to aid me tough, so i'm all good!" He begun ramblimg, his tone happy and carefree.

He begun to walk, signaling with his head for Y/n to follow,  and so they did.

They walked in the fog for a while, but the company of that talkative Rito boy eased the walk.

Despite of the few times Y/n had to sit to rest after a fit of coughing and an immense pain all troughout their body, the rito didn't seemed to mind, he instead help them reach the ground safely and help them stand up afterwards.

Soon the duo got to the stone arch that signaled the entrance, crows were perched on it, and they observed the pair in curiosity before thy got too close and flew away.

Y/n gave yet another sigh of relief, brushing the old stone of the archway with their hand, before passing through, the fog seemingly dying down as they did.

"Oh Tulin i can't thank you enough- i would have died if it wasn't for you" Y/n said, holding their hand above their heart and closing their eyes.

Tulin smiled widely, "that's what i'm here for! ading people is my favourite thing! Dad always says that makes me special" he grinned, giggling softly and flying around Y/n a few times.

"Say, why don't you come visit me at Rito Viallge sometimes? The air is amazing there, i'm sure it can help with that sickness you carry" he then said in a more serious way, landing back on the ground in front of Y/n.

They could only smile and gently patted his head, "i'm sure i will, Tulin".

Ok i wrote this while on a plane while i had a fever so idk how it is lol
I just noticed i fucked up the request it was supposed to be the other way around i'M SO SORRY

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