Yiga! Link x Yiga Reader

642 10 5

requested by Itz_Echo_

i hate this it sucks


it had been months since the Hero of the legend had joined the clan. Nobody really knew how and why, but after what he did to prove his loyalty, nobody was going to question him.

His training was led by a Yiga his own age, a sassy, high level warrior that Master Kohga had selected to watch over the dirty-blone boy, in case of any "dirty business" as he said himself.

Y/n was amazed at Link's skills in many weponary teqniques.
his maestry of melee weapons, his competence with bow and arrow, and the wide range of knowledge on, well, anything actually.

Not that he talked all that much, but one could understand why he was in charge of protecting princess Zelda at that young age.

But the blondie seemed...distracted. He coudln't seem to concentrate too well on fighting, when his opponent was Y/n.

They acted...weirdly around him. It was a mixture of challenge and flirt, and Link was left hot and bothered on the battlefield more than he would have liked to admit.

Maybe they cast some spell on him, maybe they were just really skilled, which they were.

And Link had to face his little crush on his trainer.

the more time they spent together, either casually or willingly, Link couldn't do anything to convince himself otherwise of his feelings.

"lost in your big brain again?" Y/n asked smugly, bending to Link's level, and snapping their fingers in front of his surprised face, as he shook his head reconnecting with his surroundings.

he was quick to get up from the wooden box he was resting on, and Y/n gave a satisfied chuckle for his fast reaction time, before patting his head.

"Redy to spar, blondie?" They asked, walking to the center platform, Link following suit, and giving a fast nod.

Y/n grabbed their nunchucks, roteating them on their sides and making the air whistle, waiting for Link to grab his sword.

The Yiga warrior called for a footsolider to referee, and once they found one, they both prepared in the defence stance.

"Give me all you got, pretty boy~" They teased, just before the referee started the countdown.
"Three, two, one....BEGIN!" The Yiga on the side of the platform Yelled.

Y/n knew about Link's little crush.
they found him glancing at them more and more often throuought the months, his way of doing things changing to almost impress the Yiga, and the noticeble blush on his face most of the times they interacted.

And they also couldn't deny that little space in their heart opening for the twink.

'If he wins' they both thought, 'i'm confessing'.

Their weapons clashed, Y/n teleported from side to side wothout breaking a sweat, blocking Link's fast sword slashes as best as they could, and Link did the same hissing in pain, as the wooden nunchucks hit on his back and forearms.

All around the two fighting professionals, waves of Yiga cheered, clapped and shouted Y/n's name in a choir.

then, they disappeared in a huge cloud of smoke.
their famous blood-chilling attack.

Silence fell into the room as everybody knew that it was necessary for Link to hear where the Yiga was going to attack from.

He twirled and darted his eyes all around, but he still didn't learn to look up.

Link was slammed onto the ground, his sword sliding away from his hand, and Y/n crouched on top of him.

"C'mon, really? you lasted way longer last time" Y/n smirked under the mask, and Link could feel the smug look on their face.

"how many times did i tell you to look up" they said, placing a finger under his chin.
He chuckled nervously at the uncomfortable angle he could see Y/n from, his face flushing red.

After brushing some dust off of their shoulder, Y/n offered a hand to the solider on the floor beneath them, helping him up on his feet.

Link scratched the back of his head, the bet he made on himself looming over him.

they both made their way down the platform, the Yiga around them still cheering for the winner, who was waving and laughing at the antics of their fellow warriors.

Slowly the crowd begun to go back to their duties, and the two fighters moved to the side of the room, where Y/n positioned their nunchacks and grabbed a towel to wipe the sweat off their neck.

Link sat down on the wooden bench, huffing loudly.

Y/n cought a glimpse of the boy's tired face.
"how about we grab something to eat, blondie?" Y/n asked, Link's expression litting up as soon as they spoke.

"Yes, why not" he responded with a whisper.

he got up and followed Y/n out of the room, down the many hallways to their quarters.

Link felt his heart pounding more and more, as he awaited the right moment to confess.

"Y/n" he stopped them, just before they could get into their room.

His face was bashful and he was looking at the ground.

Y/n waited for the boy to speak.

"your...ways. your fighting style, your personality..." he begun, his voice as soft as he could.

Y/n's face softened under the mask, as their theory came to a conclusion.

"i think...i might be in" "love with you" Y/n completed his sdntence, shifting their mask off of their head.

Link was left surprised, his eyes wide open as he saw for the first time the face of his little crush, and more blush made its way on his cheecks.

Y/n looked aroud the allways before grabbing Link's collar and making their lips met.

it was a sensation he had only imagined before, and knowing his feelings were reciprocal made it even more special.

they slowly parted, their noses inches apart.

then, Y/n erupted into laghter.

Link was left baffled, as the Yiga twirled around in happiness, their cheecks as red as their suit.

they looked at each other one more time, before saying their goodbies, and going to their quarters for the night, their heads filled with soft toughts and their stomaches with butterflies.


sorry for the wait guys, also this isn't all that good so sorry again

Also, request will be closed for a while

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