Robbie x Amputee! reader

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-Not requested-

Y/n is a knight, serving Hyrule and it's King, protecting all the people that they could, slaying monsters and...well, being obscured by the 5 Champions, like every other knight.
Since the Calamity was announced, the Hyrulean army fought tremendously to stop the monsters attacks.

Y/n snapped in the direction they were called from, an horryfying sight.
A Lynel.
it swang its weapon down.
Y/n was scared, they couldn't act like they weren't.
The Lynel was inches from them, it's weapon even closer.
it's the end for me

They woke up.
It was a dream?
was it all fake?
it seemed all so real.

Thoughts filled the young knight's head, when a strong pain hit them on their shoulder.
they looked at it.
nothing to look at.
their arm was completly gone, bloody bandages instead of their armpit.
their breathing sped up, became heavy and they tried to stand from the bed they where placed on, not bothering to try and recognize the place. All they could think abaut was the absence of their right arm.

they muffled a scream with their left hand, their eyes darting everywhere on what reamined of their arm.

what were they going to do now?

if they couldn't fight, they couldn't earn money for their family, and themselves, they had to learn everything from the beginning.

Their ears rang, their vision blurred, their breathing becoming heavier by the second.

a muffled yell could be heard as they closed their eyes, fainting on the unconfortable bed they layed upon.

as Y/N opened their eyes they had to squint for the bright light.

"OH! Y/N! You're awake!" a worried voice brough them to reality.

Y/N blinked a cuple of times, and re opened their eyes to...Robbie?

"you where out for quite a while now friend, i was getting worried i might have no one to make fun of for the rest of my life!"

Of course it was Robbie.

but him being there didn't answer the person's toughts.

where am i and why was i knocked out?

"that Lynel really did you a bad one" the scientist spoke. the toughts flowed to Y/n's head as quick as a lightning.

The Lynel, and their amputated arm.

"now, please don't freak out again, because i already have an ASTOUNDING SOLUTION!!" Robby yelled, making his signature pose and making Y/n slightly flinch.

He then begun talking again, rambling by himself and not making any sense to Y/n, who felt themselves dozing off again.
"So, do you like the idea!!?" He sounded really exited, too bad Y/n didn't catch a thing, and looked over at the man with a tired gaze.
Robbie loudly sighed.
"I'm going to make a Sheika arm for you" he repeated, slowly this time.

Y/n really wanted to be exited for it, but the strong pain on their wound had won, and they found themselves knocked out again.

Months had passed, and Y/n had been staying in the lab with Robbie to calibrate and adjust the robotic arm to perfection.
Whis some medical experts by his side, Robbie managed to connect Y/n's nerves to the Sheika arm he just crafted, well, one of the MANY attempts, the one that looked stable enough.

Y/n woke up another time, the feeling of something heavy replacing the emptyness of before.
"Did it work? Is it working? Lets test it out come on Y/n!!" Robbie yelled, doing little jumps and smiling brightly.

Y/n wiped their eyes with their hand.
"Jeez i just woke up from a surgery gimme a break" they scolded him.
Robbie crossed his arms.
"i think you slept enough this past months" he responded.

after a few seconds of silence they erupted in laughter, and Y/n sat up from the hospital bed.

Robbie got closer to give an ispection to the mechanisms on the arm, if they hadn't got damaged with the surgery.
To his relief it didn't.

Y/n jumped off the bed, their knees still a bit to tired to stand on themselves, and before they could fall, Robbie lifted them up bridal style (this is for the simps, yes i'm looking at you Makoto), and placed them back on the bed.
"maybe you're right, you should rest a bit more" he scratched the nape of his neck before patting Y/n's head.
"i'll be back tomorrow, and if you're feeling ok we can start rehab!" He said.

His hope was getting lower and lower, ad untill now the arm hadn't moved an inch.

Tomorrow came, and Robbie was on his way to the hospital room he lastly saw his best friend, only to find them by a bench on the courtyard, a ray of sun washing over them.

He made a little run towards Y/n, who had their eyes closed, and once close enough, "BOO!" He shouted, Y/n jumping awake.
once they realized who the bastard was, they hit him in the stomach with the robotic arm
"You scared the living shit out of me!" Y/n laughed, as Robbie was slouching in pain, holding his stomach.
"So it DOES work!" He said between breaths.
"yep, sometimes it does some weird sounds but it seems to be working all right" Y/n answered.
The man sat beside them on the bench, placing the bag of instruments he brought in front of him on the grass.

He was surely not happy that that had happend to you, but he was happy to have the chance to get to see you more often.
Maybe he didn't just see you as a best friend.


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