Ganondorf x Rito! Reader

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Requested by GummyWurmmz

They/them reader

"ah, nice of you to join, Ganondorf" the Rito spoke, not bothering to look at the man who had just entered their study, knowing damn well it was him just by the heavyness of his footsteps and the low, annoyed grunt that escaped his lips upon closing the door behind him, and just kept working on deciphering the Zonai texts laying on their desk.

The man didn't say anything, he just went straight for the couch that gave the room a feeling of cozyness inbetween all the old books piled on the stone shelves carved in the walls, and layed on it, using the inside of his elbow to cover his eyes.

"tough day? did the meeting with Rauru not go as planned, dear?" The Rito asked, their tone now more concerned and preoccupied.

" it went with flying colours, all the information you gave me reguarding the long extinct Zonai really did a number on him...your job as a chronacler is really proving useful and resorcefull" he muttered, his voice husky and filled with tiredness.

Y/n sighed, giving the man one last look before turing back around to finish noting down the last decyphered phrases, and standing up afterwards, walking towards the couch.

As they sat down beside their husband's head, careful not to sit on his let-down red hair, he removed his arm from his face, looking up at the Rito.

"what is it that's bothering you, then?" they calmly asked, flowing their fethered fingers in his hair, not pushing him to answer, "i've never seen you this doubtful before, dear".

Ganondorf sighed, his eyes closing and his eyebrows tilting.

"there's just a lot on my plate right now. The King isn't brainless, but i know that the long peace he lived has made him weak. i just have to strike at the right moment" he stopped, opening his eyes once more and looking up at his spouse, "altough, giving a start to my plan means harming your people as well, and i fear it deeply" his tone was full of doubt and uncertainty as he ran his fingers thru his hair.

Y/n tought for a moment, his words twirling in their mind aimlessly.

of course they loved their people, but they also loved all being of Hyrule nontheless, and whatever Ganondorf had in mind was sure to harm each and every one of them, Gerudo included.

Being a chronicler also wasn't of any help, as that forced them to not take a side in any situation of importance, as that may lead them astray to a faithful reanaction of the event.

as time went on, Y/n found themselves doubtful about the man they had married, once a generous man, full of the pride of his tribe and certain in his decisions, and now thirsty with power, always wanting more.

"Do you want me to read you something about the Secret Stones? you might find the details useful" Y/n changed subject, not knowing how to answer their husband, who only nodded and fluttered his eyes shut.

Y/n swiftly got up, and scrolled through the many Zonai research finding scriptures about the Secret stones, and once sat down near Ganondorf once more, they begun reading.

They went trough how the Secret Stones only enhanced one's power, and didn't give it to them, all things that Ganondorf knew too well.

But when Y/n begun reading upon the Draconification, his eyes opened in surprise, and he rose up from his laying position, sitting upwards and looking intensly at the papers in Y/n's hands.

This reaction brough fear in Y/n, who stuttered over the translated words.

Ganondorf noticed, and placed his huge hands on their shoulders.

"Fear not, dear, i don't intend on following in such a tremendous act" he whispered, slight worry in his voice, "and, you said it yourself, that would have me lose myself completly, and that would include losing all memory of you, and leaving you alone in the dark times that are to come, once i take over Hyrule" as he spoke he run one of his hands on Y/n's cheek, and they would close their eyes in his touch, comforted by his words.

But Y/n's expression would soon change.

"but you will eventually be driven away from me. All that power you'll posses will most likely be enough for you" As they spoke, they didn't want to believe themselves.

they looked down in pain, and Ganondorf felt sadness, and, as much as he wouldn't want to admit it, he knew it was true.

The two didn't talk for a while, driven by their own agonizing toughts.

Could they ever live knowing that their love was on the thinnest of threads...?

hi hello another one out

sorry if this is not what u wanted but thats all i could manage to think about lmao

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