ENDING - nighttime air

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The nighttime air was always relaxing. Sitting out on the balcony on a mild night had become commonplace for (Y/n) when she struggled to sleep.

She was always grateful for the balcony in Āvo's bedroom that overlooked the garden. Sitting out there while all was quiet and still filled her with peace and with serenity.

The habit was one she'd held onto throughout the years she'd been with Āvo, never abadoning her even when she'd fallen in love with him.

At first, it had been a coping mechanism of sorts. One of the few ways she could claim freedom in such a stifling environment. Now it was more about the calm than it was the pure act of being outside.

"You must tell me when you're restless."

Her husband's voice came from behind her. (Y/n) turned to him from where she was sat and smiled affectionately.

"Sorry, you were sleeping so deeply and I didn't want to disturb you. It's so rare that you get a good night's sleep."

With a sigh, Āvo went to sit next to her and place his arm around her shoulder which allowed (Y/n) to lean against him. The two of them never did like being apart from each other, always instigating physical touch where they could. It had been a long process for Āvo to touch her so freely without having a heart attack, but he'd grown to crave her casual touches and couldn't imagine a life without them.

"You should know by now that if you leave the bed I have no hope of anything close to a good night's sleep." He mumbled, cuddling her closer. Though it was relatively warm, he was still conscious of her growing cold while outside at night.

Pressing a lingering kiss to his cheek as an apology, (Y/n) snuggled into Āvo's arms comfortably.

He wouldn't admit it to her, not wanting to bring back such unwanted memories, but everytime he woke up and found that she wasn't there he assumed the very worst. The first thing his mind jumped to was that she'd left him, that mostly came from a place of deep insecurity. Even though he was well aware that (Y/n) returned his feelings now, things had not always been that way. He could remember how she scorned him, turned him away, and told him exactly what he was. Those times would return to him with guilt, there was an everlasting fear that the sentiment she once held for him could return, or maybe that it never left.

Once he dismissed that as a possibility, recounting all of the times where (Y/n) had undoubtedly proven her love and loyalty, he didn't feel much better. She was still gone after all. Now his mind would presume she'd been stolen, this was a much more likely outcome though it was still narrow. Cosmo was still out there, both Āvo and Perdax hunted Cosmo relentlessly and nothing ever came of their searches. The thought of him taking (Y/n) from him once again was enough to drive Āvo insane.

Malachi and Rudy in comparison were both minor threats. The latter still hadn't even confirmed if he held feelings for (Y/n) and just went off the grid, his plans unclear. But if either of them got to her, Āvo would still be filled with concern of what could happen.

It wouldn't take long for him to realise that she was likely out on the balcony, just as she had been the last time he woke to find her gone...and the time before that...and the time before that. Never had she been anywhere else, apart from one particularly stressful night where he eventually found her snacking in the kitchen after nearly tearing the whole estate apart.

As her breathing evened out, he nudged her slightly. "Come inside, darling, wouldn't you rather sleep on a bed?" He spoke quietly, petting her hair.

"Hm?" Her eyes were shut and she could only halfway listen to him in her exhaustion. The balcony had certainly done it's job of calming her down.

Āvo couldn't help but smile at the sight of her so tired, murmuring cutely and holding herself close to him. He adjusted her position delicately so that he could lift her in order to carry her inside. His efforts were much appreciated as (Y/n) didn't find her rest disturbed at all as she was transferred back into their bed.

He lay down with her, holding her like she was glass. He knew he had to ditch those habits of being so overprotective, fearing that it could make her feel smothered or condescended, but he couldn't help it. He didn't intend to make her feel less than, it was only because she was so important that he had to protect not because he thought her weak. (Y/n) didn't seem to mind as much as she used to anyway, so while Āvo told himself to be less concerned over her, he knew he wouldn't ever stop.

He was unsure if her compliance with his more obsessive behaviours came from a place of genuine acceptance or even, dare he suggest it, appreciation of them, or if it was just because she saw he wouldn't change and didn't think it worth the effort to try. He hated to think that he might be bothering her.

His arms tightened around her at that thought. It had all been so difficult at first. He hadn't seen her in a year, and what felt like centuries. She'd hidden herself well, he'd give her that though he didn't like it one bit. She wouldn't hide from him like that ever again, he could rest a little easier knowing she no longer wanted to.

Trying to remove those unsavoury thoughts, he kissed (Y/n)'s head possessively. She was here now so there was no point dwelling on past issues.

Yes, she was here. And she wasn't going anywhere.


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